Monday, June 28, 2010

Boobs In Nature, Weird Dating Videos and Bad Tattoo Ideas

Last week I had a list of Sci-Fi penises so this week we’ll show boobs in nature:

Fifteen tattoos that will prevent you from getting lucky. Okay, I know that isn’t the title the story used but I like this one better.

Here are some really weird and funny dating videos. I’ve actually seen number two before and used it in my Humpday blog. Not sure if these are real or people just goofing off but at the very least a few are fun to watch if you have a few minutes to kill.

Chippendales Room Service:

This video is funny. I’m not condoning drug and alcohol use while watching the kiddos. Bad idea.

I’ve mentioned ben wa balls before for vaginal exercise. Here’s a video giving an idea of how it works. This lady has worked up to the more advanced lessons.

There’s been a lot of soccer in the news lately. I’m pretty sure the blonds cheated.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Clone Your Willy, Change Your Taste and Gay Penguins

Here is one of my first Humpday blogs.

I discovered a device called Clone a Willy. You can now make a replica of your penis and turn it into a vibrator for that special someone. Perfect for those long distance relationships. Here’s a video with step-by-step instructions.

If you are interested in purchasing your own Clone a Willy, here’s the website. Have your credit card ready.

So my gay readers won’t feel left out. Here’s a story about gay penguins at a Chinese zoo that have tied the knot. Of course both grooms wore tuxedos. They were stealing eggs from heterosexual couples nests so the zoo finally gave them eggs from mother’s who abandoned them and report that the gay couple are the zoo’s best penguin parents. Can everybody say aw. Here’s the site if you want to read the entire story. I love penguins.

Here are a few foods that are supposed to get your sweetie in an amorous mood.

Red wine is said to imitate the scent of the male pheromone. No wonder I love it so much.


Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine the same hormone released during sexual intercourse. The song Sex and Candy comes to mind.

Cinnamon can increase sexual appetite as well as make you hungry for food, so if you are on a diet this one might not be a good idea.



Coffee being a stimulant gives you more energy for many things. I guess sex is one of them.


According to Paul Joannides, author of The Guide to Getting It On! Having fun makes us feel amorous. I haven’t read this book so I can’t say if it’s good or not but according to Women’s Health if you are going to own just one instructional book this should be it.

Here’s a website to help you sweeten or change the taste of your ejaculation. It is swayed towards the male secretions but I’m sure the same would be true for women if your significant other isn’t happy with your flavor.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chinese Professor, Teen Sex Ed and Scary Spice

Ma Yaohai, a college professor in China is in big trouble for conducting group sex parties. He’s sentenced to three and a half years in prison.

You can now enjoy Playboy in Braille and 3D.

Here is a sex education site by teenagers. I’m a bit skeptical about this one. It’s how I learned about sex (from teenagers, I mean) but a third of my information was incorrect so I hope these kids are more knowledgeable than the kids I learned from.

Kissing does not make you pregnant, boys don’t all have cooties, some guys will tell you they are sterile just to get in your panties and doing it in water does not keep you from getting pregnant. Just so you’ll know.

Twenty things from Science Fiction that look like penises. I love the Captain Kirk picture. Lol

Melanie Brown aka Scary Spice has sex five times a day to keep in shape. Damn! She’s going to wear that boy out.

Just in case you have forgotten who she is or are too young to remember, here’s a video that will take you back a few:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Introducing Dewy Tulips

I am moving my Humpday Happenings blog to this location. I will eventually relocate all of my suggestive blogs from my Pamela in red page because I’m trying to clean up my act over there. lol

Some of you have been reading my pander for a few years now and for that I am grateful. I started Humpday Happenings on MySpace until it became a problem due to the many links I often add. So then I moved it to my Blogger account and now we are here. I don’t foresee any more moves. 

The name Humpday Happenings was already taken, several times in fact. If you do a search you’ll find many and most have nothing to do with sex. A few other ideas I had were also in use so I settled on this one. I’ve used tulips before and like the subtle suggestiveness of them. There is an anime character named Dewy Tulips but as far as I could find there doesn’t appear to be a blog with that title.

As I knew would happen I am running out of sexy videos to add at the end of my blogs so if you have some to share that I haven’t already used please feel free to share them.

You will probably see many changes before I finally settle on a look. If you are a friend in another forum please sign your user name I know you by after your comment. Sometimes I recognize your voice but not always.

Since this blog isn't called Humpday it doesn't have to be posted on a Wednesday. Not sure what day I will settle on but I'll try to be consistent. If you want to subscribe you'll get notifications otherwise just check back from time to time.

With that said here is my addition for today:

Here’s some interesting jewelry. I’m curious to find out who would wear such art.

Here’s some interesting facts about semen. Thank goodness I’m not allergic.

Having trouble keeping that weight off? You might want to relocate to Uganda. It turns out they find overweight women desirable:

Here’s an interesting video to watch: