Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Facebook Poking, Obscene Literature and Female Teachers Sex With Students.

Most of us have seen the “poke” feature on facebook and even maybe used it. I thought it was like tapping someone on the shoulder and saying hello but apparently some see more into it than just a friendly poke on the shoulder.

Okay, so poking is harmless but super poking is sex. Got it. Phew, I’m glad I didn’t make that mistake.

Over the holidays some of us enjoy a good read and if you are looking for a titillating tome or two here is a list of the top ten obscene literary classics:


Have you wondered what is up with all the female teachers going for teenage students and finding themselves out of a job and in the courtroom?

Sexual abuse is never about the act but more about control of another individual. In the past it was mostly a man’s symptom but in recent years we are hearing about more female teachers having sex with underage students. We had two cases in recent months here in Oklahoma. If you’ve been watching the news or reading the paper you’ve noticed these women are attractive and usually in their 30’s. So what gives?

Psychologists will tell you these women are having problems in their personal lives and no longer feel in control. Midlife is looking over their shoulder and they want to feel young again. They need comfort and seek it in the arms of someone they feel they can manipulate. Adolescent guys finding her desirable gives her the boost her ego greatly needs.

An adult man isn’t as likely to be swayed to a woman’s whims. A teenager just learning how to deal with the opposite sex and hormones is much easier prey. Enjoying the attention and sexual favors of a more experienced woman is an added benefit he can’t refuse.

Some have asked why we are suddenly seeing this and why is it a new phenomenon. There were cases in the past but it was treated differently and in most cases pushed under the rug as most men would have thought the young man should receive a pat on the back instead of the woman being reprimanded. It wasn’t published in the news and the world didn’t hear about it.

If you think back to that flirty young teacher who wore her skirts just a bit too short or her blouse just a tad more revealing you probably knew a woman who was in a similar vulnerable state but she held her behavior in check--- in most cases. Today the media gives ideas to their fantasies and has more women tasting the forbidden fruit.

There is a book some of you may have read and also a movie more of you may have seen called The Reader. It is fiction and more is going on in the story than an older woman having sex with a teenage boy but it is not that far fetched to believe it happened on many occasions--- we just didn’t know about it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sex While Driving, Erotic Fantasy Art and Katy Perry Parody

Fifteen percent of people are performing sex acts while driving.


I will admit to changing clothes while driving one time but that was a long time a go and I wouldn’t do that now. I was in a hurry and changed out of my jeans and into a skirt. I’m pretty sure no one saw anything. I haven’t performed any sex acts while the car was rolling. Doesn’t sound like a good idea.

This video is great. It’s some gay guys performing to Katy Perry’s song Peacock.

Here’s some sexy fantasy art.


They don’t all show up at once but if you click on one of the pictures to the side the selections change. Here’s a good one.



Makes me want to take a walk in the woods. :o)

Here’s a website with some childish penis humor cause I love that kind of stuff:


Here’s a joke:
Three guys go to a ski lodge, and there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says, "I had this wild, vivid dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and unbelievably, he's had the same dream, too. Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says, "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"

This article called, “What Men Want” has great advice.


Christina Aquilera and her husband have split up. I wonder if this video had anything to do with it?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sex With a Mustached Man Day, Katy Perry Cock Tease Song and Fantasy Art

Oh no! I forgot a holiday. Well, it’s not like Hallmark is doing commercials for it or anything so I guess I have a good excuse. November 18 is “Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache” Day. I think they need to shorten this one because we Americans can’t remember really long names. Here’s your video:


Katy Perry Cock Tease song:

EMBED-Katy Perry Is a C*cktease Music Video - Watch more free videos

This website gives 100 movie sex scenes complete with links. Don’t ask me how many hours I wasted watching these. *cough*


Here’s a vintage pornographic cartoon by Disney artists no less. In case it’s deleted it’s titled Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure (1929).

Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure[1929]
Uploaded by hamzaksy. - Click for more funny videos.

Funny stuff. Here’s a story about the video:

Women whose names end with the letter “A” have more sex. I read an article a couple of decades a go that said men find women whose names end in the letter “A” more feminine so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


You know, some people gravitate towards stories about breasts while I just seem to wander down the phallic path. I can’t help myself.


Well they don’t call dead people “stiffs” for nothing.

Michael Grays- The Weekend:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Playboy Pinups, facebook Breaking up Marriages and Penis Art

Playboy’s sexiest pinups:


We won’t be getting Lingerie Football in Oklahoma. I had no idea there even was such a thing but our mayor nixed the idea. I don’t know how they keep from getting hurt with out proper padding. Looks kind of dangerous to me.

Here’s a blog of strange vibrators. I kind of like the penis phone:


A New Jersey pastor is asking his congregation to delete their facebook pages because he says it is causing marital problems among people reconnecting with old flames. I got news for preacher man if it wasn’t facebook it would be Craig’s List or some other online diversion. I don’t think the blame lies with facebook.


Looks like the pastor needs to practice what he preaches, unless he thinks adding a third person to your sex life helps your marriage.


Jake Gyllenhaal recently did a steamy photo shoot with Anne Hathaway. When did he grow up? Just the other day he looked like a little boy.


These days it’s not always easy to tell what people are advertising. I think Beyonce is selling sex. You be the judge.

Here are some works of art with uncircumcised male genitalia:

In case you didn’t know there is a museum in Iceland that is full of penises from many different animals. So far he doesn’t have a human specimen but has four men who have promised theirs after they die.


Enrique Iglesias-Sad Eyes:

enrique iglesias - sad eyes (music video)
Uploaded by coollectra. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Porn Star in Oklahoma, Rekindling the Flame and Cheap Dollar Store Thrills

It must be a slow news week because the top story was the fact we had a real live porn star living in our great state. I found it amusing that we needed to know that Jesse Jane lives in Oklahoma. Looks like free publicity to me from a friend in the newsroom; I didn’t even know who she was.

In case you want to know more about her here’s a list of films she’s been in:


Rekindling the romance in a relationship-
When people first meet and that chemistry is hot it is euphoric like a drug and you can’t get enough of each other but after a while real life sets in and you have to take care of home, kids and career. Not taking time for each other can put stress in the relationship and unless you work at it, just like you do your job, it can fizzle.

The reason divorce is so high is because people let things go too far before they do something about it. You have to make time for each other when you don’t talk about anything else but the two of you. No shop talk, or discussing problems with the children or home repairs---just you as a couple.

During times of economic challenge marriages have an even harder time because money is tight and they have less time for those special dates. Not to mention arguing about money tends to kill a romantic mood.

You have to be creative but there are ways to have alone time even with kids and even when money is tight.

Go for a walk in a park, around a lake or along a river. Take a drive out in the country and have a picnic. Get a relative to watch the little ones or barter with friends and have a fun evening with just the two of you. Pull out the photo album and look at pictures of the two of you early in your relationship.

Give each other a massage. I'd love to borrow this guy for a while. ;o)

Here’s a website of fun inexpensive date ideas:

Now to a less serious note: Speaking of cheap thrills, here is a website for dollar store sex toys that aren’t really sex toys. I don’t condone using any of these items and do be careful if you try them. I don’t want y’all calling me from the emergency room although you know I’ll come anyway. ;o)


I want this dress. :o)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finding Straight Asian Men in Porn

I’ve heard a few people complaining lately that there isn’t any free porn out there with straight Asian men in it. If you put in a search here in America for “naked, sexy or porn" with Asian man attached you mostly get gay sites. They say that Google and Yahoo are racist or at least biased and that is why when you put in a search you get very little if any at all.

Here’s the deal, search engines are based on clicks or hits; meaning that the most looked for items come up first, then everything else trails after that. Most pornography viewers are men, most American men are Caucasian, most Caucasian men are searching for sites with white guys having relations with women if they are looking for Asian men they are usually gay.

This blog might seem a bit long and in the end I’ll give you some websites with straight Asian men in them but first I want to teach you how to do your own searching for two reasons. First, the more people searching for these sites the more likely they will come up on American Google search results. Second, you might find something you like better or find even more than I have.

Websites with straight Asian men are out there you just have to know where to look. Asia is a large continent and they have plenty of porn, especially Japan.
First of all if you are in America you are probably using an American search engine, which means you are going to get what most Americans are searching for. Try using a Japanese version of Google. You will get a lot of foreign characters many of us can’t read but you can still find things. Here’s how:

We’ll use Google as an example because it’s my favorite but you can use any of them you are familiar with. Put in a search for Japanese Google, the reason I like Google is because of that little extra thing they have called: Translate this page. Click on that and it will translate the characters into English. I've read that Yahoo has the same tool.

Once you have picked one put in the search bar what you are looking for; you can use English. Here is another helpful website to translate captions or anything else. It will translate most of the major languages.


It also helps if you know the Asian porn stars names like:

Keni Styles

Rick Lee- Here is his blog about his sexual experiences with lots of women who are not porn stars. Most of them are white. http://www.sexwith1000girls.com/

Hung Lo

Cody Bangs

Blackie Chan: http://metanotherfrog.com/main-page/blackie-chan-asian-porn-star/

Once you have found these sites, even though you have bookmarked them, occasionally put in a search for them in the American Google box. You'll have to put the whole address in the search bar. This will boost the hits for that site and it will be more likely to come up when someone else is looking. Google needs our help.

Now you are all set to go. Here are a few I have found you might like:

http://fobporn.com/ (This one has some white guys with Asian women in them too but there are also a lot of Asian guys on this site.)


http://www.xporntube.com/videos/5248003 (xporntube has quite a few videos with Asian men)




Part of this one is blurred out and there’s that ridiculous ad across the bottom for growing a bigger penis but you can get the general idea of what’s going on.

Yeah I know these have white women in them but in case you haven’t noticed I’m mostly white.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Toys and Female Aphrodisiac

I know you don’t want to think about Christmas just yet but it is right around the corner and if you shop catalogs you need to start early. I have been looking for those unique gifts to make the holiday just a little more fun.

If you squeeze this Santa’s toe he will do a little routine that is sure to make you smile.

You can order it here:

Here’s a Santa that flashes you singing Santa Baby. I couldn't find a video for this one.


And here’s a sex toy that is quite unique. The description says, “A wheel of soft tongues that spins and stimulates the clitoris.” Nice.


One more sex toy: when I saw this one I though it was some sort of electric toothbrush, which I hear some women use for stimulation. It’s a bit pricey but supposedly has given women the big “O” who have never had one before.


I was watching the news last night and they had a story about a product that is well known in Peru and becoming quite popular here in the states. It’s Maca. It comes from a plant that looks similar to a turnip and is an aphrodisiac for women. You can get it in capsule form at most health food stores.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Women See in Men, Why She's Not Answering and Fun Quotes

Naked men through the eyes of women:

I look at men’s hands too only I don’t want polish or calluses.

Here’s a funny blog about women, cell phones and why they don’t answer them. My excuse is usually that I can’t hear the darn thing but if I’m having sex I’m not going to answer. It can’t be that important.


Here are some discrete sex toys that look like other objects. I’d be afraid I might grab the wrong “lipstick”. Is that like painting the town red?


Here are some fun sex quotes I found:

"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill

"A nymphomaniac is a women as obsessed with sex as the average man."
Mignon McLaughlin

"When the authorities warn you of the dangers of having sex, there is an important lesson to be learned. Do not have sex with the authorities."
Matt Groening

"You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life."
Emo Philips

"My classmates would copulate with anything that moved, but I never saw any reason to limit myself."
Emo Philips

"I'm not really a homosexual. I just help them out when they're busy."
Frank Carson

"When I'm good I'm very, very good but when I'm bad I'm better."
Mae West

I’ve been in more laps than a napkin. – Mae West

Apparently Britney has joined the Circus: