Thursday, October 27, 2011

Naughty Dr. Seuss, Naughty Charlie Brown and Other Art

And while we are reading Dr. Seuss type stories, here is a fellow who has found innuendoes between the covers… of Dr. Seuss’ books. I think he just has a vivid imagination but I'll let you decide for yourself.

This website has a list of subliminal Disney messages within it’s videos. Some of these I already knew about. I recall the phallic images in Little Mermaid and some of the other sexual references but there were a few I hadn't heard about.

These aren't cartoons but I like them anyway. I can't imagine why.

Alexandra Stan- Mr Saxobeat

Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxobeat by wiredset

Friday, October 7, 2011

Penis Shaped Fruit, Breast Trivia and Phone Sex For Nerds

It's been a couple months since I posted here, been busy with other writing endeavors and haven't had the time.

Here’s something you don’t see everyday, penis shaped fruit.

Here’s a website with all kinds of breast trivia you might not know, or perhaps I should say titty trivia, that has a bit more ring to it.

Here’s a nude girl website called kindgirls:

Phone sex for nerds: if you are into World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Star Trek or Lord of the Rings, this website can fix you up with the girl of your dreams.

PETA porn: They’ve turned eating your veggies into a sexy sport.


Candy Girl- Lick It: