Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hot As Hell It Must Be July

As usual I have a few pictures to share but first I want to tell you about an historic find you may not have heard about.

It seems they dug up an unusual shaped object in China and no one had any idea what it could be. At first they thought it was a mushroom but soon ruled that out. They called in experts, examined it and finally someone came forward who knew what it was.

A masturbation tool. One end had a vaginal opening and the other an anus. Just goes to show there is nothing new under the sun.

Here is the link to the story if you are interested in reading. 

This might make work more fun.

Once again Oklahoma and Texas are screwed.

Possibly some toy store clerks or factory workers got bored. Since Ken is a eunuch I'm pretty sure that horse is safe.

Dirty mind, I have one.

 This guy thinks ahead.

I actually have one of these and I don't even like hotdogs. :o)

I wonder what Monica is doing these days?

Wanda Sykes cracks me up.