Friday, March 6, 2015

Blogger Rescinds Change To Porn Policy

Beauty in Nature
Blogger sent me another email stating that they have received feedback from a lot of people letting them know they aren't happy with the changes Blogger was going to make in their content policy. (Well of course not.)

Due to the number of correspondence they have decided to not change their policy.

I'm not sure what made them want to censor their clients in the first place (Somebody got religion or sued due to kids seeing nekkid people. Who knows?) but I'm not at all surprised to hear that a large number of people were unhappy about the changes.

Like I said in my previous post, I understand the need to keep children safe but at the same time there are adults online who should be able to write and post what they want.

Parents need to monitor their children better. There are ways to protect kids from seeing things online with software and simply changing the settings on the computer your kid's use. The Internet shouldn't censor what adults post and view. We are grown ups, let us make those decisions.

One thing Blogger did do was direct my attention back to this neglected blog so perhaps I'll post more often. :o)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Censorship May Delete Blog

I received an email from Blogger today stating that they have changed their terms and conditions policy and will be deleting blogs that contain nudity or any obscene or offensive content. If it sounds vague to you it did to me as well.

They didn't come right out and say they would delete my blog and they may send this message out to everyone; I'm not sure. At any rate I wanted to let those of you subscribed to this blog know that if it disappears you'll know why.

I haven't updated in quite some time because I've been busy with other outside things. I wear several hats one of which is a yoga instructor and that has been taking up quite a bit of my time as well as my other writing.

They are making it more and more difficult for erotica writers to post online. I'm all for making people sign an online waiver stating they are over 18 and are okay with entering an adult site. Yes, I know it doesn't keep kids out but it at least makes them pause and think about whether they really want to go any further. If they are bold enough to move on they are most likely mature enough to see whatever comes next. Kids will get information if they want it badly enough, they always have.

As of this writing, Tumblr does not censor posts or blogs. I have one over there under this same name but I post nude men and gay erotica. I may add to it later but for now that's what I share if you are interested.

Sorry, no naked women, just not my thing.

Peace and namaste,