Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sex Resolutions, Sexual Positions and Funny Commercials

We make resolutions for everything else so why not sex? Here's a blog about sexual resolutions for the coming year.


Here’s something you don’t see everyday: sexy women with coffins.


Here’s a website that touts to be the complete list of sexual positions complete with pictures. I like the illustrations on this one better than others I’ve seen.


Here's a video on giving a hand job. Don't try this one at home.

This one is funny as hell even if you aren't into boobs:

Most men would like to find themselves in this situation:

Here are some dress up clothes for your penis cause we all know how fun that is.


Budlight Adult Magazine commercial:

Kylie Minogue- Spinning Around:

Kylie Minogue - Spinning Around

Just Jeff said...
My my the things you can do with penises. kinda glad I have one *grin*
June 24, 2009 7:30 AM

Lika's Laments said...
I love it! Thank you!
June 24, 2009 7:34 PM

Aaron said...
Made it through this whole post without a bit of penis envy?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sexing Up Your Christmas

If you haven’t already, girls you still have time to run out and buy that naughty Santa outfit. If you want something you can wear year round you can get something in red; the best color in the whole world.

I got this one for myself:

But just realized I need this one too:

But I’m getting off track.

You meet him at the door wearing this and heels if you are short barefoot if you aren’t.

Start with his earlobe sucking seductively while unbuttoning his shirt. Lick down his neck to his nipple and while you are sucking there undo his pants and slide them down.

Run your tongue down his tummy to his cock that should now be nice and hard and tease him with your tongue. Around the head, up and down the shaft and then when he can’t take it anymore you slide him into your mouth sucking and moving up and down slowly while you tickle his balls with your fingernails ever so lightly. Build up your speed until he finishes licking up every drop.

Merry Christmas y’all.

Friday, December 17, 2010

You Can Have Sex With Me if I'm in a Coma

Leah Johnson had a stroke in 2005 that left her comatose. David W. Johnson, her husband of 20 years, visited her every day moving her arms and legs to make sure her muscles didn’t atrophy.

On occasion Mr. Johnson would also climb into bed with Mrs. Johnson and have intercourse. The nursing home staff turned him in, thinking he was forcing himself on her. Police installed a hidden camera and video taped him having sex with his wife.

Mr. Johnson is 59 and Mrs. Johnson is 54. They had no children. Not sure why not having children was relevant, maybe the kids could have vouched for their parent’s sex life. “Yeah, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They went at it all the time.” I don’t know.

His wife’s sister was even outraged that they would bring felony charges against her brother-in-law for sexual assault. She’s now in charge of her sister’s care until they can prove whether or not Mr. Johnson is a pervert.

Here’s the original story if you want to read it:


And here is the verdict:


So my question is what do we need to do to insure this doesn’t happen again? Along with a living will stating whether or not we wish to be put on life support and the disposal of our vital organs, do we now need to sign a sex waiver?

Yes, my husband can have sex with me even if I’m comatose. And if that is needed, do we also need to specify how often? Because we don’t want Mr. Johnson taking advantage here and getting nookie more often than Mrs. Johnson consented to while conscious. Only on his birthday and holidays, once a week, twice a week or maybe bring it on baby give me all you got.

If he was soliciting a prostitute or boinking his secretary while the Mrs. was out, we’d be bad mouthing him for that too. So am I to believe the police, who are more than likely men, expect Mr. Johnson to remain celibate for however long Mrs. Johnson is indisposed? She’s still in a coma, by the way.

It might be a bit trickier for a wife if her husband is comatose. I wonder if a man still gets aroused while in a coma? They usually wake up if they are asleep. Sorry, I was thinking out loud.

Here’s something else for you to toss around in your brain. Had they not been married would he have won the case? I bet not. It wouldn’t have fallen under conjugal visits. Sometimes that marriage license, so many call “Just a piece of paper” becomes pretty important.

So tell me, would you want conjugal visits if your significant other were comatose? Would you want someone making love to you if you were unconscious? Have you ever had sex with a comatose person?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fembots, Threesome Video and Balloon Animals Having Sex

I'm moving some of my blogs from my other website to this one so if you see a few reruns, I apologize for that. I've updated them and repaired any deleted videos. Just consider it like reruns on TV.

I found a sexual dictionary website. So if you ever hear someone use a word or term you are not familiar with you can go here to look it up.


Watch out ladies, sexbots are getting better and better and one day men won’t need us at all. Granted they are expensive but with dating, and other costs of a real woman they could come out ahead in the long run. They don’t nag, care if he flirts with other women or comes home late. Hell, he could stay out all night and a fembot wouldn’t care.

In the past men needed women for cooking, cleaning and sex. I’m sure there might have been a few other things, but that about sums it up for most of their needs. With restaurants, domestic service companies and female robots that can give a blow job to their programmed specifications, what do they need us for? It won’t be much longer before they come out with models that can cook and clean. You thought it was hard to get a date now…


Human males aren’t the only species paying for sex the macaque monkey does as well. Here’s an interesting story I think you might enjoy reading.


Here is a funny video of balloon animals having sex. lol

Funny Commercial with Balloon Animals - Watch more Funny Videos

Another funny video. If you are homophobic at all you might want to skip this one, but I thought it was pretty darn funny.

Post Coitus from friesontheside on Vimeo.

I don't qualify as a Twihard as they call Twilight fans but I do enjoy the books and movies. Vampires aren't my thing but I could go for a shape shifting Native man.

Paramore- Decode:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sexy Ornaments for the Tree, Nearly Naked Woman at the Airport and Sweaty Balls Remedy

Here are some sexy ornaments for your Christmas tree if you don’t have children in your house:



Here are some interesting Christmas gift ideas and more ornaments.


An Oklahoma woman decided it would be easier to simply wear her bra and panties through the security portion of her flight to save time but things didn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped.

Apparently this is a real product even though this looks like a parody.

Here’s the website. They even have a product for women who have trouble with sweaty breasts.


A quote I wrote:

Lovers are like shoes; they have to fit or after a while they'll pinch and rub you in all the wrong places.

Billy Mack- Christmas is all Around:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shy Men

Some women like a man who is sure of him self and fills a room with his presence. Those men have never appealed to me.

I’ve always preferred shy men. They are a challenge but well worth the effort if you take the time. I’ve had some women tell me they thought a man was cute but she didn’t know how to approach him.

What are the advantages of a bashful man? Since they are introvert with women they aren’t womanizers nor will they ever be. That shy smile will melt your heart. It is ten times sexier than the self assured grin from an arrogant man.

I’m not saying they will never wander or have an affair, remember if you took the time and thought him worth the effort there may be another woman who also sees him as a catch. There is also that weird feminine thing---a taken man is a sexy man.
Once you have him, take care of him and you should have no worries.

In the beginning it’s hard to tell if they are interested. You have to be quick to see them watching you because they look when you aren’t looking or they are masters at peripheral vision.

Just because they are shy doesn’t mean they are a push over or that they want an aggressive woman. On the contrary they need a woman that will make them feel masculine and bring out their full potential.

When you see a man like this it’s best to ease into conversation and not appear forceful. Some go for a woman like that but most do not.

If you see him in the cafeteria ask if you can sit at his table. Don’t sit too close. Choose a chair cattycorner to his seat. Introduce yourself. Make small talk about what you are eating. If he is interested he might look your way but even if he doesn’t at first don’t take that as a negative sign. Don’t talk too loud or too much.

When you leave thank him for letting you sit at his table. During the day if you pass him in the hall smile and say hello. Be sure and use his name and say it correctly.

The next day when you eat lunch walk slowly past his table. Don’t ask this time but say hello to him, smiling and making eye contact. Look around the room and back at his table. If he doesn’t invite you don’t sit down. Maybe sit at the next table if there is a seat available but still cattycorner to his seat. Watch out of the corner of your eye to see if he watches you. If he looks your way often he’s interested.

I should explain the importance of sitting cattycorner. Directly across or beside him is too close and personal. You don’t know him well enough to sit this close. If you do it tells him two things. You are too forward and you don’t respect his personal space. Sitting diagonally from him is close enough to talk to him, watch his peripheral vision and gives him a comfortable distance from you.

Try not to watch him too closely as tempting as it may be. Directly staring will make him feel uncomfortable.

Find excuses to go to his department or work area. Put out hints to other women you like him and are interested. Most work places are like a small town and word gets around like wild fire. Women love to gossip.

You may have to make subtle connections like this for quite a while before he starts to feel comfortable with you. Eventually, if he is interested he will start making the initiative to sit with you and talk to you.

This is just one example. I realize if you don’t work with a guy or go to school with him it will be a bit trickier to meet him but use some of these same techniques in your situation and it will work the same way.

You don’t want to come across as a loose or desperate woman. Be patient and take your time. Rushing is the worst thing you can do. If it is meant to be it will happen.

I love this song.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Facebook Poking, Obscene Literature and Female Teachers Sex With Students.

Most of us have seen the “poke” feature on facebook and even maybe used it. I thought it was like tapping someone on the shoulder and saying hello but apparently some see more into it than just a friendly poke on the shoulder.

Okay, so poking is harmless but super poking is sex. Got it. Phew, I’m glad I didn’t make that mistake.

Over the holidays some of us enjoy a good read and if you are looking for a titillating tome or two here is a list of the top ten obscene literary classics:


Have you wondered what is up with all the female teachers going for teenage students and finding themselves out of a job and in the courtroom?

Sexual abuse is never about the act but more about control of another individual. In the past it was mostly a man’s symptom but in recent years we are hearing about more female teachers having sex with underage students. We had two cases in recent months here in Oklahoma. If you’ve been watching the news or reading the paper you’ve noticed these women are attractive and usually in their 30’s. So what gives?

Psychologists will tell you these women are having problems in their personal lives and no longer feel in control. Midlife is looking over their shoulder and they want to feel young again. They need comfort and seek it in the arms of someone they feel they can manipulate. Adolescent guys finding her desirable gives her the boost her ego greatly needs.

An adult man isn’t as likely to be swayed to a woman’s whims. A teenager just learning how to deal with the opposite sex and hormones is much easier prey. Enjoying the attention and sexual favors of a more experienced woman is an added benefit he can’t refuse.

Some have asked why we are suddenly seeing this and why is it a new phenomenon. There were cases in the past but it was treated differently and in most cases pushed under the rug as most men would have thought the young man should receive a pat on the back instead of the woman being reprimanded. It wasn’t published in the news and the world didn’t hear about it.

If you think back to that flirty young teacher who wore her skirts just a bit too short or her blouse just a tad more revealing you probably knew a woman who was in a similar vulnerable state but she held her behavior in check--- in most cases. Today the media gives ideas to their fantasies and has more women tasting the forbidden fruit.

There is a book some of you may have read and also a movie more of you may have seen called The Reader. It is fiction and more is going on in the story than an older woman having sex with a teenage boy but it is not that far fetched to believe it happened on many occasions--- we just didn’t know about it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sex While Driving, Erotic Fantasy Art and Katy Perry Parody

Fifteen percent of people are performing sex acts while driving.


I will admit to changing clothes while driving one time but that was a long time a go and I wouldn’t do that now. I was in a hurry and changed out of my jeans and into a skirt. I’m pretty sure no one saw anything. I haven’t performed any sex acts while the car was rolling. Doesn’t sound like a good idea.

This video is great. It’s some gay guys performing to Katy Perry’s song Peacock.

Here’s some sexy fantasy art.


They don’t all show up at once but if you click on one of the pictures to the side the selections change. Here’s a good one.



Makes me want to take a walk in the woods. :o)

Here’s a website with some childish penis humor cause I love that kind of stuff:


Here’s a joke:
Three guys go to a ski lodge, and there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says, "I had this wild, vivid dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and unbelievably, he's had the same dream, too. Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says, "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"

This article called, “What Men Want” has great advice.


Christina Aquilera and her husband have split up. I wonder if this video had anything to do with it?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sex With a Mustached Man Day, Katy Perry Cock Tease Song and Fantasy Art

Oh no! I forgot a holiday. Well, it’s not like Hallmark is doing commercials for it or anything so I guess I have a good excuse. November 18 is “Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache” Day. I think they need to shorten this one because we Americans can’t remember really long names. Here’s your video:


Katy Perry Cock Tease song:

EMBED-Katy Perry Is a C*cktease Music Video - Watch more free videos

This website gives 100 movie sex scenes complete with links. Don’t ask me how many hours I wasted watching these. *cough*


Here’s a vintage pornographic cartoon by Disney artists no less. In case it’s deleted it’s titled Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure (1929).

Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure[1929]
Uploaded by hamzaksy. - Click for more funny videos.

Funny stuff. Here’s a story about the video:

Women whose names end with the letter “A” have more sex. I read an article a couple of decades a go that said men find women whose names end in the letter “A” more feminine so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


You know, some people gravitate towards stories about breasts while I just seem to wander down the phallic path. I can’t help myself.


Well they don’t call dead people “stiffs” for nothing.

Michael Grays- The Weekend:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Playboy Pinups, facebook Breaking up Marriages and Penis Art

Playboy’s sexiest pinups:


We won’t be getting Lingerie Football in Oklahoma. I had no idea there even was such a thing but our mayor nixed the idea. I don’t know how they keep from getting hurt with out proper padding. Looks kind of dangerous to me.

Here’s a blog of strange vibrators. I kind of like the penis phone:


A New Jersey pastor is asking his congregation to delete their facebook pages because he says it is causing marital problems among people reconnecting with old flames. I got news for preacher man if it wasn’t facebook it would be Craig’s List or some other online diversion. I don’t think the blame lies with facebook.


Looks like the pastor needs to practice what he preaches, unless he thinks adding a third person to your sex life helps your marriage.


Jake Gyllenhaal recently did a steamy photo shoot with Anne Hathaway. When did he grow up? Just the other day he looked like a little boy.


These days it’s not always easy to tell what people are advertising. I think Beyonce is selling sex. You be the judge.

Here are some works of art with uncircumcised male genitalia:

In case you didn’t know there is a museum in Iceland that is full of penises from many different animals. So far he doesn’t have a human specimen but has four men who have promised theirs after they die.


Enrique Iglesias-Sad Eyes:

enrique iglesias - sad eyes (music video)
Uploaded by coollectra. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Porn Star in Oklahoma, Rekindling the Flame and Cheap Dollar Store Thrills

It must be a slow news week because the top story was the fact we had a real live porn star living in our great state. I found it amusing that we needed to know that Jesse Jane lives in Oklahoma. Looks like free publicity to me from a friend in the newsroom; I didn’t even know who she was.

In case you want to know more about her here’s a list of films she’s been in:


Rekindling the romance in a relationship-
When people first meet and that chemistry is hot it is euphoric like a drug and you can’t get enough of each other but after a while real life sets in and you have to take care of home, kids and career. Not taking time for each other can put stress in the relationship and unless you work at it, just like you do your job, it can fizzle.

The reason divorce is so high is because people let things go too far before they do something about it. You have to make time for each other when you don’t talk about anything else but the two of you. No shop talk, or discussing problems with the children or home repairs---just you as a couple.

During times of economic challenge marriages have an even harder time because money is tight and they have less time for those special dates. Not to mention arguing about money tends to kill a romantic mood.

You have to be creative but there are ways to have alone time even with kids and even when money is tight.

Go for a walk in a park, around a lake or along a river. Take a drive out in the country and have a picnic. Get a relative to watch the little ones or barter with friends and have a fun evening with just the two of you. Pull out the photo album and look at pictures of the two of you early in your relationship.

Give each other a massage. I'd love to borrow this guy for a while. ;o)

Here’s a website of fun inexpensive date ideas:

Now to a less serious note: Speaking of cheap thrills, here is a website for dollar store sex toys that aren’t really sex toys. I don’t condone using any of these items and do be careful if you try them. I don’t want y’all calling me from the emergency room although you know I’ll come anyway. ;o)


I want this dress. :o)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finding Straight Asian Men in Porn

I’ve heard a few people complaining lately that there isn’t any free porn out there with straight Asian men in it. If you put in a search here in America for “naked, sexy or porn" with Asian man attached you mostly get gay sites. They say that Google and Yahoo are racist or at least biased and that is why when you put in a search you get very little if any at all.

Here’s the deal, search engines are based on clicks or hits; meaning that the most looked for items come up first, then everything else trails after that. Most pornography viewers are men, most American men are Caucasian, most Caucasian men are searching for sites with white guys having relations with women if they are looking for Asian men they are usually gay.

This blog might seem a bit long and in the end I’ll give you some websites with straight Asian men in them but first I want to teach you how to do your own searching for two reasons. First, the more people searching for these sites the more likely they will come up on American Google search results. Second, you might find something you like better or find even more than I have.

Websites with straight Asian men are out there you just have to know where to look. Asia is a large continent and they have plenty of porn, especially Japan.
First of all if you are in America you are probably using an American search engine, which means you are going to get what most Americans are searching for. Try using a Japanese version of Google. You will get a lot of foreign characters many of us can’t read but you can still find things. Here’s how:

We’ll use Google as an example because it’s my favorite but you can use any of them you are familiar with. Put in a search for Japanese Google, the reason I like Google is because of that little extra thing they have called: Translate this page. Click on that and it will translate the characters into English. I've read that Yahoo has the same tool.

Once you have picked one put in the search bar what you are looking for; you can use English. Here is another helpful website to translate captions or anything else. It will translate most of the major languages.


It also helps if you know the Asian porn stars names like:

Keni Styles

Rick Lee- Here is his blog about his sexual experiences with lots of women who are not porn stars. Most of them are white. http://www.sexwith1000girls.com/

Hung Lo

Cody Bangs

Blackie Chan: http://metanotherfrog.com/main-page/blackie-chan-asian-porn-star/

Once you have found these sites, even though you have bookmarked them, occasionally put in a search for them in the American Google box. You'll have to put the whole address in the search bar. This will boost the hits for that site and it will be more likely to come up when someone else is looking. Google needs our help.

Now you are all set to go. Here are a few I have found you might like:

http://fobporn.com/ (This one has some white guys with Asian women in them too but there are also a lot of Asian guys on this site.)


http://www.xporntube.com/videos/5248003 (xporntube has quite a few videos with Asian men)




Part of this one is blurred out and there’s that ridiculous ad across the bottom for growing a bigger penis but you can get the general idea of what’s going on.

Yeah I know these have white women in them but in case you haven’t noticed I’m mostly white.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Toys and Female Aphrodisiac

I know you don’t want to think about Christmas just yet but it is right around the corner and if you shop catalogs you need to start early. I have been looking for those unique gifts to make the holiday just a little more fun.

If you squeeze this Santa’s toe he will do a little routine that is sure to make you smile.

You can order it here:

Here’s a Santa that flashes you singing Santa Baby. I couldn't find a video for this one.


And here’s a sex toy that is quite unique. The description says, “A wheel of soft tongues that spins and stimulates the clitoris.” Nice.


One more sex toy: when I saw this one I though it was some sort of electric toothbrush, which I hear some women use for stimulation. It’s a bit pricey but supposedly has given women the big “O” who have never had one before.


I was watching the news last night and they had a story about a product that is well known in Peru and becoming quite popular here in the states. It’s Maca. It comes from a plant that looks similar to a turnip and is an aphrodisiac for women. You can get it in capsule form at most health food stores.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Women See in Men, Why She's Not Answering and Fun Quotes

Naked men through the eyes of women:

I look at men’s hands too only I don’t want polish or calluses.

Here’s a funny blog about women, cell phones and why they don’t answer them. My excuse is usually that I can’t hear the darn thing but if I’m having sex I’m not going to answer. It can’t be that important.


Here are some discrete sex toys that look like other objects. I’d be afraid I might grab the wrong “lipstick”. Is that like painting the town red?


Here are some fun sex quotes I found:

"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill

"A nymphomaniac is a women as obsessed with sex as the average man."
Mignon McLaughlin

"When the authorities warn you of the dangers of having sex, there is an important lesson to be learned. Do not have sex with the authorities."
Matt Groening

"You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life."
Emo Philips

"My classmates would copulate with anything that moved, but I never saw any reason to limit myself."
Emo Philips

"I'm not really a homosexual. I just help them out when they're busy."
Frank Carson

"When I'm good I'm very, very good but when I'm bad I'm better."
Mae West

I’ve been in more laps than a napkin. – Mae West

Apparently Britney has joined the Circus:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Funny Dating Site Video, ED Treatment and Japanese Erotica

This fellow is doing a video for a dating service. Watch it until the end and I guarantee you won’t be sorry. lol

lol Sorry, I'm still laughing at that last video.

We’ve all heard of Viagra and a few other drugs that help men achieve an erection, but research has found that premature ejaculation is more of a problem than getting a stiffy. There is now a drug to help with early endings, Dapoxetine. It hasn’t been approved in the United States as of yet, but should be available soon. Here’s a website that gives all the information and side effects of this medication.

Frequent sex helps prevent erectile dysfunction. Use it or lose it seems to be the key. Here’s the website if you want all the details.

Here’s a site for purchasing some Japanese erotica. If you click on the picture it will enlarge so you can see the detail better. These guys are so big they are scary looking.

Love on the Net, Naked Men and Horny Tea

Some of you are aware of the romancing that takes place on social networking sites. Here’s a website giving tips on finding a significant other via websites such as facebook or MySpace in case you haven’t been lucky and would like to be.


Men in Oklahoma must have had spring fever in March of '09 or they were just horny not sure what you would call it but on the news one story was about a guy who went into a convenience store flashing the clerk. Then moments later another one about a truck driver who stuck his pelvis up while driving down the road, showing a woman his penis. Not sure how he managed that one with the steering wheel in the way maybe he moonlights as an acrobat or knows yoga. At any rate, she got his tag number and the police are looking into it. Dang! I miss all the fun.

Here’s the story about the flasher:

I couldn’t find a link for the second story. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

Isn’t it funny that you never hear about women flashing anyone? Is it testosterone that makes men want to show off their wares to the ladies? Maybe a kind of primal mating dance of sorts?

Speaking of men showing their wares, this video probably won’t last but we’ll look while we can. ;o)
I’m not an Iggy Pop fan but best I can tell, we have fans who felt compelled to take their clothes off and shake their groove thang, on stage no less.

Some men like to name their penis. If you haven’t given yours a name here’s a website that will help you generate one. You wouldn’t want him to feel left out now would you?


Be careful who you take home guys. Some women are crazy. This poor guy woke up to find himself covered in blood with the woman’s name carved into his skin along with other slash marks. He was drinking, took Valium and must have been pretty wasted because he didn’t feel a thing. She looks normal too. I expected her to look like, oh I don't know, a deranged witch or something. *shudder*


Most movies these days flaunt cleavage and even bare boobs all the time but it’s rare when we get to see full frontal male nudity. I saw The Watchmen and all through out the film Dr. Manhattan walks around completely nude, well except for blue paint, with an impressive male part for us to see. He’s definitely a shower. There are a few short peaks of a naked woman too so the straight guys and lesbians won’t feel left out.


Horny goat weed is said to be an aphrodisiac as well as relieving menopausal symptoms and a few other maladies. You can find it at health food stores and some Asian markets. It comes in tea and tablet form. Here are a couple of articles on it.



Katy Perry- California Gurls:

Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg - California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dogg)
Uploaded by EMI_Music. - See the latest featured music videos.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pretty Women, Sex Toys for Men and Antique Sex Manual

Here’s is scientific proof that men choose women based on their looks:


For those of us women who need a little help, here is a video on how to trick people into thinking you are good looking. I love her voice, funny stuff.

Here’s a sex toy for men some of ya’ll may not have seen before. It even gives instructions for use.

For those of you who want to learn text speak or have a teenager and need to know what the heck they are saying here is a link:


Someone dug up an old 1950’s sex manual and shared pages along with some humorous narrative. I’m sure they’ll be laughing at us in sixty years.


Here’s a video on the history of the word masturbation. If you haven't discovered Hotforwords before, you are in for a treat if you are a straight man or lesbian.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Penis Clothing, Statues and Karate Chopping Boobs

Just in time for Halloween, I knew it was just a matter of time before they came out with clothes for penises. Lol I love this. I got the link from my friend Lola.


Here’s a quiz for men to find out if they are good in bed.


Children are the result of sex but once they get here it’s kind of hard to find time for mom and dad to have alone time. Getting a sitter once in a while or sneaking around much like when you were young and trying to hide your hanky panky from the folks is the only way most young parents can be intimate.


And because I do love me some penis humor here’s a fun video about street poles that citizens complain look too suggestive.


Okay, just one more phallic story. In New Yorkshire a man says that police are holding his 200 pound penis hostage. It is a sandstone statue that was a bit too risqué for public viewing so they confiscated it.


And since I know you straight men are tired of reading about penises here’s a boob story for you. This woman uses her 46 H sized breasts to do karate stunts. Incredible, I know.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Condom Commercial, Ancient Dildo and a Priest Caught Red Handed

Here’s another fun condom commercial because you can never have too many.
I’m Bond, Jiss Bond. Lol

Here’s some interesting bronze statues I’d like to see in person.


An ancient dildo has been unearthed in Sweden. Now that’s a petrified weenie.


Waterbury priest, Kevin Gray stole $1.3 million from the church to pay for male escorts. All I got to say is at least he wasn’t molesting children. Let the poor men have sex, for God’s sakes. Geesh. They are human. Men were not meant to be celibate. Get a clue.


So do you consider edible undies food? Apparently this Texas town does and now a sex shop has to get a food handler’s permit. What next? A list of nutrition facts on the panties label?


Here’s a list to help guys tell if a woman is into him enough to maybe have sex with him:


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Decks, Strip Tease Lessons and Gerontophiles

This is an old video, but I laugh every time I see it and thought you might enjoy seeing it again.

Here’s a video showing us how to do a strip tease. Parts of it are a little funny. I love her French accent.

Sex Tips For Women:
How To Striptease

Gerontophilia is the attraction to older people typically at least 15 years older. As with all fetishes it can be taken to extreme and when you google that word you typically will find articles of young men raping elderly women. Most gerontophiles are harmless.

Some are only attracted when wrinkles and gray hair are present while others just want a mature lover. Young men who date cougars, women much older than themselves, fall into this fetish. Most are used to younger women marrying older men and with the growing number of celebrity women dating and marrying younger guys it is becoming more and more acceptable.

I’ve often wondered how one would know if they were really interested in you as a person or in your bank account? We purchased a pick-up truck for a really good price because the woman’s much younger boyfriend was cheating on her. As with any relationship they are a gamble.

Here’s a website for those looking for cougars or visa versa:


Here is an article about an 83 year-old man who has liaisons with gerontophiles.


According to Bon Appetite magazine three out of four readers would rather have their favorite food instead of sex. Could be because their readers are foodies but after observing many Americans I can’t help but think there may be some truth in this. Perhaps if I cover myself in lasagna? Oops, thinking out loud again.

Every once in a while I run across something truly fascinating and this is one of them. The female body part men are attracted to can tell a lot about his personality. It’s easier to just give you the link than to rewrite the research. So look at your wife, significant other or the women you’ve been dating lately and then read this article.


If you live in the Maine area or plan to visit you might want to check out their new topless coffee shop. Here’s a video on that:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Comic Porn, Funny Commercial and Naked People

There are guys that are turned on by cartoon characters. I don’t know the scientific name for it and I’m sure there is one so if you know what it is please leave me a comment below. If you are curious about this fetish, just google “cartoon sex” or “cartoon porn”. I knew there were men who got excited about Wonder Woman and some of the other super girls but some even get happy about Marge Simpson. Here’s a song a guy wrote about sexy cartoon characters:

A lot of young men have the dream of having two women in their bed. I say young men because older guys realize that if you have a couple of women in a bed together, nine times out of ten they aren’t interested in a penis. Unless you are paying them, a straight woman isn’t interested in a second set of boobs. It just doesn’t work that way in real life fellas, sorry to burst your bubbles.

Jamie Foxx found out the hard way. It may not last YouTube has been delete happy lately. I had a really great video of men in sexy underwear but before I could even post it here...boom, YouTube took it down. I got to watch it three times before they did though. :o)

Here’s a funny old commercial. Lol If you have time, go to YouTube and read some of the comments they are great.

Here’s a great commercial for condoms. That would definitely take the boredom out of waiting to see the doctor.

Here’s a website with lots of past Playgirl models in all their glory. I find it interesting to compare the shots over the years. In the 70’s and early 80’s men didn’t shave their chest or pubic hair.


I would have liked to see some Asian guys among the mix, maybe Bruce Lee or James Shigeta.

Here are some vintage nude pictures of mostly women:


This German couple fell out of an apartment window while having sex suffering broken bones. They were having an affair and were taken to the hospital where the woman’s poor husband was a patient injured when he fell off a roof. It doesn’t say if he was having sex up there. I think these people need to stay away from high places.


Destination Unknown- Crystal Waters:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Australian Men Trade Sex for Rent, Sex With Animals and Tasteful Nude Female Pics

Sidney, Australia has a shortage of housing and advertisements have surfaced looking for a female roommate willing to barter sex for rent. They usually read “free accommodations in exchange for relationship”. Oddly enough, they do get a few inquiries. There has been much debate on this subject.


Zoophilia or bestiality is the practice of having sexual relations with animals. Some people say they are two different things and that zoophiles only have consensual sex with animals while bestiality is the practice of forcing an animal against it’s will. Either way, they typically fixate on one type of animal but not necessarily. It is illegal in some American states, not looked upon fondly in others and considered to be animal cruelty or abuse in most, consensual or not. It is more common in rural areas where livestock such as sheep or cows are present. Although, some farm boys who have on occasion boinked a sheep are not always considered zoophiles since they are still primarily attracted to humans and only occasionally find relief on the hoof.

Here’s a man’s story about his “love” for dolphins and how he goes about having “consensual sex” with them.


Here’s a video you may have already seen.

Genital piercing is popular with many people. Not my thing, but none the less there are men and women alike that find it attractive as well as erotic. To me it looks painful and I wouldn’t be able to remove my focus from that. While you may think it is a new idea, it has been around for hundreds of years. Here’s a medical website on this subject complete with historical evidence of past participants. The site is neither condoning nor abhorring the practice but gives a clinical view for anyone thinking about getting one. I found the history this article gave to be fascinating. Prince Albert had his penis pierced and they even named the procedure after him.


Some of my straight guy readers thought there was a bit too much male genitalia in last week’s blog, so to make up for it here’s a website of nude women. Most are done tastefully.


NIN Closer
Uploaded by mallune. - Explore more music videos.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sexy Sneezes, Genital Furniture and Personality Tests

It turns out thinking about sex can make you sneeze. And here I thought it was the cedar pollen.


Here’s a free birth order compatibility test:


I'm the oldest in my family and married the youngest. I had never thought about this until reading that article. They say my best celebrity love match is Johnny Depp. Oh yeah!

I have been shopping for furniture and found a few that are a bit unusual. Here is a vagina couch. No, I’m not kidding. You truly can find anything on Craig’s list.

Here’s a penis table, oh and you can even buy a she male statue to go with it:

I found the perfect bed.

I had a few more pictures but Flickr took them down. I guess they were a bit too over the top.

Guys the kind of car you drive may determine the kind of women you attract. A man’s car supposedly reveals a lot about his personality and may have something to do with the kind of woman you appeal to. Here’s a website giving you details on that:


And according to this website a woman’s shoes might decide what kind of guy she attracts:


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Nude Week, Body Painting and Freaky White Women

Happy Nude Week, ya’ll. Most holidays get only one day but the Naturist Society felt one day just wasn’t enough so every year from July 5-11 we, well some, celebrate National Nude Week. Here’s a video of a couple of streakers from two sides of the world that come together because they enjoy life in the buff more than most of us:

Most of us won’t be able to go naked this week due to work and other public obligations but I wonder if we could get away with it if we were painted like these ladies.


Here’s a video showing Rachel Hunter being painted:

Some would like you to believe that once women start menopause our interest in sex is over. The cradle has dried up and you need a jar of lubricant to slide into home base. Not so for many of us and here’s an article that disputes the idea that older girls aren’t interested in a romp in the hay:


According to Jamie Foxx, white women are freakier than black women. I didn’t say it so don’t kill the messenger. This is pretty nasty so if you are easily offended you might want to pass on down to the next one.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jezebel's List of Turn Offs, Emergency Room Sex Mishaps and Romeo's Hot Lines

Here’s a list of rules Jezebel made for straight guys. If you are striking out on a regular basis where love is concerned you might want to consult her list.


She sounds a bit jaded. I have to admit to having no idea who the Bloodhound Gang is. Her links didn't work so I went to YouTube and found a video that might have to do with her comment. I now see why I had no idea who these guys are. In my opinion they are pretty lousy. Here's the video in case you are curious:

My, my, the things people do to get off. Here’s a link to some funny sex stories:


According to Durex, Greece is having the most sex followed by Brazil. The USA is falling way behind in nineteenth place. You people need to get busy. Where's your competitive spirit?

If you want to read some hot erotica, read Shakespeare. That man wrote some sexy stories. Surely you remember Romeo and Juliet? Everyone was required to read it at one time or another.

Romeo says: “Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” No wonder Juliet was swooning. Give me my sin again, yes, yes. Oh sorry. I got carried away there. *cough*

You can go here and read it for free. There’s even a download button if you have one of those electronic gadgets that holds text files.


The word fetish conjures thoughts of a person with kinky desires and while that is true there are many that are quite harmless. We all have them even though we may not refer to them as fetishes. A paraphilia is simply something that turns us on.

You name it and there is a fetish for it complete with club members and websites. Somnophilia is when sexual arousal and/or orgasm are achieved by intruding on and awakening a sleeping person with erotic caresses, but not with force or violence. It may include having sex with a sleeping person or simply rubbing the genitals and hands over their naked body. Sure beats the hell out of an alarm clock.

Today I’d like to talk to you about trouser bulges. Straight women and gay men are going to look. I don’t care what they say. Some are more discreet than I am, I mean others but they will notice there’s no doubt about it. It’s no different than a straight man looking at a woman with large breasts. Some guys are “showers” and I wouldn’t want that view to go to waste. ;o)

Speaking of trouser bulges. Billy Squire sure does wear his jeans well. Here he is asking us to stroke him. *giggle*

Monday, June 28, 2010

Boobs In Nature, Weird Dating Videos and Bad Tattoo Ideas

Last week I had a list of Sci-Fi penises so this week we’ll show boobs in nature:


Fifteen tattoos that will prevent you from getting lucky. Okay, I know that isn’t the title the story used but I like this one better.


Here are some really weird and funny dating videos. I’ve actually seen number two before and used it in my Humpday blog. Not sure if these are real or people just goofing off but at the very least a few are fun to watch if you have a few minutes to kill.


Chippendales Room Service:

This video is funny. I’m not condoning drug and alcohol use while watching the kiddos. Bad idea.


I’ve mentioned ben wa balls before for vaginal exercise. Here’s a video giving an idea of how it works. This lady has worked up to the more advanced lessons.


There’s been a lot of soccer in the news lately. I’m pretty sure the blonds cheated.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Clone Your Willy, Change Your Taste and Gay Penguins

Here is one of my first Humpday blogs.

I discovered a device called Clone a Willy. You can now make a replica of your penis and turn it into a vibrator for that special someone. Perfect for those long distance relationships. Here’s a video with step-by-step instructions.

If you are interested in purchasing your own Clone a Willy, here’s the website. Have your credit card ready.


So my gay readers won’t feel left out. Here’s a story about gay penguins at a Chinese zoo that have tied the knot. Of course both grooms wore tuxedos. They were stealing eggs from heterosexual couples nests so the zoo finally gave them eggs from mother’s who abandoned them and report that the gay couple are the zoo’s best penguin parents. Can everybody say aw. Here’s the site if you want to read the entire story. I love penguins.


Here are a few foods that are supposed to get your sweetie in an amorous mood.

Red wine is said to imitate the scent of the male pheromone. No wonder I love it so much.


Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine the same hormone released during sexual intercourse. The song Sex and Candy comes to mind.

Cinnamon can increase sexual appetite as well as make you hungry for food, so if you are on a diet this one might not be a good idea.



Coffee being a stimulant gives you more energy for many things. I guess sex is one of them.


According to Paul Joannides, author of The Guide to Getting It On! Having fun makes us feel amorous. I haven’t read this book so I can’t say if it’s good or not but according to Women’s Health if you are going to own just one instructional book this should be it.

Here’s a website to help you sweeten or change the taste of your ejaculation. It is swayed towards the male secretions but I’m sure the same would be true for women if your significant other isn’t happy with your flavor.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Chinese Professor, Teen Sex Ed and Scary Spice

Ma Yaohai, a college professor in China is in big trouble for conducting group sex parties. He’s sentenced to three and a half years in prison.


You can now enjoy Playboy in Braille and 3D.


Here is a sex education site by teenagers. I’m a bit skeptical about this one. It’s how I learned about sex (from teenagers, I mean) but a third of my information was incorrect so I hope these kids are more knowledgeable than the kids I learned from.

Kissing does not make you pregnant, boys don’t all have cooties, some guys will tell you they are sterile just to get in your panties and doing it in water does not keep you from getting pregnant. Just so you’ll know.


Twenty things from Science Fiction that look like penises. I love the Captain Kirk picture. Lol


Melanie Brown aka Scary Spice has sex five times a day to keep in shape. Damn! She’s going to wear that boy out.


Just in case you have forgotten who she is or are too young to remember, here’s a video that will take you back a few:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Introducing Dewy Tulips

I am moving my Humpday Happenings blog to this location. I will eventually relocate all of my suggestive blogs from my Pamela in red page because I’m trying to clean up my act over there. lol

Some of you have been reading my pander for a few years now and for that I am grateful. I started Humpday Happenings on MySpace until it became a problem due to the many links I often add. So then I moved it to my Blogger account and now we are here. I don’t foresee any more moves. 

The name Humpday Happenings was already taken, several times in fact. If you do a search you’ll find many and most have nothing to do with sex. A few other ideas I had were also in use so I settled on this one. I’ve used tulips before and like the subtle suggestiveness of them. There is an anime character named Dewy Tulips but as far as I could find there doesn’t appear to be a blog with that title.

As I knew would happen I am running out of sexy videos to add at the end of my blogs so if you have some to share that I haven’t already used please feel free to share them.

You will probably see many changes before I finally settle on a look. If you are a friend in another forum please sign your user name I know you by after your comment. Sometimes I recognize your voice but not always.

Since this blog isn't called Humpday it doesn't have to be posted on a Wednesday. Not sure what day I will settle on but I'll try to be consistent. If you want to subscribe you'll get notifications otherwise just check back from time to time.

With that said here is my addition for today:

Here’s some interesting jewelry. I’m curious to find out who would wear such art.

Here’s some interesting facts about semen. Thank goodness I’m not allergic.

Having trouble keeping that weight off? You might want to relocate to Uganda. It turns out they find overweight women desirable:

Here’s an interesting video to watch: