I found a sexual dictionary website. So if you ever hear someone use a word or term you are not familiar with you can go here to look it up.
Watch out ladies, sexbots are getting better and better and one day men won’t need us at all. Granted they are expensive but with dating, and other costs of a real woman they could come out ahead in the long run. They don’t nag, care if he flirts with other women or comes home late. Hell, he could stay out all night and a fembot wouldn’t care.
In the past men needed women for cooking, cleaning and sex. I’m sure there might have been a few other things, but that about sums it up for most of their needs. With restaurants, domestic service companies and female robots that can give a blow job to their programmed specifications, what do they need us for? It won’t be much longer before they come out with models that can cook and clean. You thought it was hard to get a date now…
Human males aren’t the only species paying for sex the macaque monkey does as well. Here’s an interesting story I think you might enjoy reading.
Here is a funny video of balloon animals having sex. lol
Funny Commercial with Balloon Animals - Watch more Funny Videos
Another funny video. If you are homophobic at all you might want to skip this one, but I thought it was pretty darn funny.
Post Coitus from friesontheside on Vimeo.
I don't qualify as a Twihard as they call Twilight fans but I do enjoy the books and movies. Vampires aren't my thing but I could go for a shape shifting Native man.
Paramore- Decode:
Here are the moved comments from my other blog site:
ReplyDeleteSex Mahoney for President said...
I can cook, clean, and sit on my own traffic cones, thank you very much.
Sex Mahoney for President
March 25, 2009 12:19 PM
Sonny said...
Robot sex? Sounds like it cold get awfully mechanical after a while.
March 25, 2009 2:22 PM
Pamela in red said...
What ever turns you on Mr. Mahoney. lol
I'm thinking the same thing, Sonny. I'd rather have a warm blooded human myself.
March 25, 2009 5:55 PM
Aaron - PCP said...
"Post Coitus" made water shoot out of my nose.
March 26, 2009 11:55 AM
Pamela in red said...
Yeah, those fries on the side guys are pretty funny.
March 27, 2009 5:48 AM
Fred E Lehman said...
Better late then never.
Sorry it took me so long to get around to reading this blog. We got a trip in the planning and getting time on the net is a bit difficult.
Post Coitus ... so funny ... reminds me of my 'husband', who, according to him, is so not gay ... LOL