Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weird Fetishes, Sexiest People of 2010 and Big Hearts

It's been a while since I've written about a fetish and while pondering which ones to highlight I read Uncoached and found he has a blog on weird fetishes. So here you go:

Here are the 50 sexiest men of 2010 according to Glamour magazine.

Here are the 99 sexiest women of 2010 according to AskMen magazine.

Why are there only 50 sexy men and 99 sexy women? I would add 49 more sexy men to even it out but that would take way too much of my time If you know of some who were overlooked please add them in the comments along with pictures.

I thought perhaps I was the only one tired of the stubble on men but this woman shares my disdain for the cactus look:

Either grow a beard or shave. If a guy showed up at my door looking like that for a date I would be offended thinking he didn't take the time or care enough to clean up. I can understand taking time off on the weekend or on vacation and don't expect men to shave all the time even though I shave my legs everyday. I know it's nice to take a break from the shaver now and then but when celebrities show up for a photo shoot that's just wrong. So tell me, do you like to snuggle up to a scratchy faced man?

Having too much love or having a big heart can scare some people away. We don’t think people care enough anymore but when they do it tends to make us uncomfortable. Why? Do we assume they must have ulterior motives? People can’t possibly be that caring. What do they really want? Do we feel they are too clingy and needy? In this “me” world we live in we don’t want to feel obligated to return the favor or affection. We are too busy working for, collecting and finding what we want. It takes too much effort to give.

I think we need more big hearted people in this world. Individuals that find satisfaction in giving and not so worried about receiving.

Roger Sanchez- Another Chance:

Lady Gaga- Alejandro:


  1. And here I thought I had the market cornered on fetish..LOL

    Most of the women are too skinny..for my tates the right face, maybe

    For me it's pretty much a well trimmed goatee or I'm kind eww on facial hair.

  2. There are some we probably haven't even dreamed of. One man's kink is another man's turn on.

    Looking at stubble is okay but kissing a man with a scratchy face is not fun.

    I don't mind facial hair if it isn't scratchy.
