I’ve seen questions in forums like “What do Korean men find attractive” or “Do Irish men find black women appealing.”
Men are all different. For the most part they are going to go for their own race of females or at least women that are similar in looks to what they see at home but there are some guys who like something a bit different.
If a man is raised in America, land of variety, they are exposed to many more types of women so therefore their range of taste will be larger than it would be if they grew up in another country.
Even so there are men who are not so caught up on looks. Take for instance wartime when men have gone to another country and during that time falls in love with a girl who looks nothing like dear old mom.
I know a man who is mostly Irish. He grew up here in Oklahoma in a small town but when he graduated from college he joined the Peace Corp and fell in love with the darkest girl you could imagine in Africa. They have been married for many years and had a houseful of daughters.
There are guys who come to America for education and leave not only with knowledge but also a wife.
My point is; you can’t ask what do men of a certain race find attractive. All men are different and being from a particular country isn’t going to make him any different than other men. They have a personal idea of what the perfect woman is and no two agree.
What do men find sexy? It has been my experience that men prefer sex appeal to beauty. In fact if a woman is too attractive it can work against her. I know several very pretty blond women who lived their lives alone and mostly without dates. A mildly pretty girl has an advantage over Barbie because a woman that is overly gorgeous intimidates most men.
There is nothing a man finds sexier than a woman that finds him handsome, loves him and is attentive to his needs. You can go overboard, so be careful. A guy doesn’t want to feel smothered and he needs space once in a while. You don’t have to be his personal maid or sex slave.
You will never know if a particular man is interested in you unless you talk to him, get to know him and see what happens.
You can’t make a man love you or be attracted to you so if you have let him know you are interested in him and he seems put off by it, leave him be. Who wants a man who doesn’t want them? No one with any self esteem. There are millions of other available men out there.
Ashlee Simpson- Boyfriend:
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