Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vaginal Size

Unlike men, women do have a certain degree of control over the size of their vagina. The vagina is made up of muscles that expand and contract, if she has exercised them they will be strong and can squeeze a penis of most sizes, if she hasn’t they can be very loose and the man may not be able to feel her walls. Women come in all sizes just like men: some big and some small.

Can you tell a woman’s size by looking at her?

To a certain extent you can, but just like a guy who is six foot tall isn't necessarily large in the genitals, a woman who is short won't always be tight.

Women with wider hips tend to have wider vaginal openings. Ladies with narrow hips tend to be on the smaller size. When I say hips I mean the bone structure and not fat, although fat can contribute to lax vaginal muscles. If she doesn’t exercise the rest of her body she probably doesn’t exercise her vagina either.

Race has a little to do with size but there are exceptions. For example Asian women tend to have more narrow hips (This varies by country.) and so they are usually smaller than other races. African decent women tend to have larger hips and therefore wider openings.

Caucasian women are usually somewhere in between but some are quite large and some very small depending on hip measurements.

Native American and Latina women are usually in between Asian and Caucasian depending on body structure: some are as small as Asian and some are as large as Caucasian.

However, the vagina can be stretched so if an Asian woman has had many larger partners and doesn’t exercise her vagina it can be loose. Not all African women have wide hips and if they use Kegel exercises they can strengthen their vagina to make it tighter.

The vagina after childbirth-

When a woman has a baby she has contractions caused by hormones that her body produces to widen the opening of the birth canal. After the baby is born her body returns to normal. For a few weeks she will be looser but with exercise she can return her muscles to their pre-baby tautness. Many women do not realize they can do Kegel exercises that will not only help her sexual pleasure but also keep her from having bladder leakage when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

The vagina after menopause-

Menopause is not as bad as many think or make it sound. For many it is liberating with little to no symptoms. She no longer has a menstrual cycle to work around and she doesn’t have to worry about pregnancy. There are hormonal changes but with diet and Kegel exercises she won’t notice much of a difference. Not all women experience dryness in fact some have an increased interest in sex causing them to be even more wet than before.

Kegel exercises will keep the blood flowing in the vagina, which will help with elasticity and keep up moisture production, which helps breed friendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria keeps away yeast infections.

Is stretching the vagina harmful?

The vagina is very elastic and depending on her bone structure can be stretched pretty far to accommodate most size men and some objects.

It isn’t a good idea to do this for many reasons but the biggest one being that when a woman’s birth canal is wider she is more susceptible to infection. When a woman is dilating to give birth doctors try not to let her go long in this state due to bacteria entering the canal causing complications. Stretching out the vagina is much the same and not a good idea.

Loose vaginal muscles cannot easily contain the contents of your bladder so you will more than likely have incontinence issues.

When your vagina is stretched out it is harder to contract the walls around a man or dildo for pleasure. If you only plan to insert large items for sexual gratification and never intend to have sex with a man or at least men of normal proportions then this wouldn’t be an issue for you but people change their minds and you never know how you will feel later on.

Can a woman be too small?

Yes. Most women can accommodate any normal size penis with enough foreplay and if she relaxes, but there are exceptions.

We are all made differently and have limits of how large a man we can take. Some women are quite small and could tear if a person isn’t careful. Most women can’t be expanded extremely wide without hormonal changes brought on by childbirth. Not all women can take really large men that’s why it’s not always a good idea for overly big guys to try to have sex with a small woman. You don’t want sex to be a painful or uncomfortable activity she avoids. Just because you can eventually get it in doesn’t mean it will be an enjoyable experience. There have been cases of women bleeding to death internally.

Men and women come in all sizes; we fit together like a hand in a glove but just like all mittens won't accommodate everyone, you need to find the person that fits emotionally, mentally as well as physically.

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