First of all before you think of going under the knife you should do your research, look at pictures of the procedure before after and during surgery and talk to guys that have had it done. From what I’ve read it’s basically taking fat from other parts of your body and moving it to your penis. Fat can be absorbed and isn’t a permanent solution, it also doesn’t get hard in case you haven’t noticed. Taking a healthy part of your body and slicing it up doesn’t make sense to me.
Drugs, especially those found online, can be dangerous and you don’t want to put your health in danger trying to make your genitals bigger. Talk to a reputable physician before putting something harmful into your body.
So what do you do? For one thing you have to realize that most women are not that superficial. Yes, I realize women are more verbal about such things these days and some say all kinds of snide things about male genitalia but the size queens are few and far between they just have bigger mouths; they do not speak for all womankind.
Most men are average or below average; there aren’t enough big guys to go around. From what I’ve seen guys with large penises tend to have big egos to match and aren’t very nice people. Given the choice, I’d rather be with a great guy then a three-legged man.
There are many women who aren’t even that interested in sex so they certainly aren’t going to care. I’m not saying you have to give up sex, I’m just saying it’s not at the top of a lot of women’s priority list.
For many of us, the head on a man’s shoulders is much more important than the one between his legs. Women want a guy she can talk to. We don’t spend all of our time having sex and at some point you need a man who can carry an intelligent conversation.
It's not very common, but there is a phobia called phallaphobia: the fear of penises. If you have a small member these women may find you less threatening.
Lesbians don’t have a penis between them, they have sex and have been even before the invention of dildos. I realize a lesbian isn’t going to be interested in a man; I’m just giving you an example so you realize that a penis isn’t the only part of your anatomy used for sex.
A woman's most sensuous erogenous zone is her brain; if you stimulate her emotionally, make her feel sexy and good about her self you are halfway there.
Work on other techniques besides penetration and perhaps invest in sex toys. Many women enjoy oral sex; if you aren’t sure how to go about it or never tried it there are many books written on the subject. All women are different so experiment and you’ll find what works.
You don’t have to be rich either. There are dumb jokes circulating around about how a man must have a big endowment or checking account in order to attract a girl and that is wrong. The latest statistics show that many women are going for men who make less than they do. More women are going to college than men these days and they aren’t all going to find men who have bigger bank accounts. If you are only finding girls interested in how much money you make you need to find another location to look for dates. Those women aren’t worth knowing anyway.
Don’t watch porn. Men in porn are usually above average in size and watching those guys will just make you feel even less adequate. Find websites that only have nude women or at least amateur porn with regular sized fellows.
Don’t pick up women in bars. I’m not saying all women in clubs are bad but size queens tend to hang out there. You are better off looking for a decent girl who isn’t out trying on every guy in town and a bar isn’t the best place.
People who are only looking for another person based on their penis size or breast measurements are typically low class. Money doesn’t have anything to do with it; there are trashy rich people just like there are poor people with intelligence and morals. It doesn’t take very long to figure out which category a person fits into. Just walk away and ignore them. Trash should be left at the curb.
Don’t be afraid to date or take your clothes off. If you feel intimidated you can talk to her before hand. Tell her you aren’t as big as you would like and are nervous about her seeing you undressed. If she’s a good person she’ll be understanding and non-judgmental.
There are several male celebrities who are said to be small and whether the rumors are true or not I couldn’t say but Howard Sterns says he’s on the lower end of the spectrum and due to that has started a small penis contest. After viewing this video some men feel better about themselves either because they are bigger than these guys or because they realize they aren’t alone. Notice one fellow has had a girlfriend for eight years and is very small.
1st Annual Small Penis Contest by Babar007Search for tenga
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