The Senate Armed Services Committee approved S. 1867, the National Defense Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCM). Article 125 makes it illegal to engage in either sodomy with humans or sex with animals.
So basically, anal sex between two men or a man and a woman was illegal until now. There must have been an orgy or incident several years back warranting a bill to make this a crime along with having sex with animals. Must have been a hell of a party.
I am glad the military is finally allowing two men to have sex if they want to and I sure hope they add “consensual” in the wording but they need to take animals out of the verbiage.
As of yet I couldn’t find a reputable news story link but if you put in a search you’ll find all kinds of talk about this, including news sources in other countries so I’m pretty sure it’s true.
According to some “blogs” there will be chapels and priests set up to marry same sex people if they want to tie the knot. If all this is true, I am personally glad to see it. I’m not sure how Bloggers got that out of this repeal but hopefully they are correct on this information. It’s about time LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered) had the same rights as everyone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m okay with part of this bill I just don’t like it that they combined sodomy with bestiality.
You know what will happen, animal rights advocates will get involved, as they well should, and they’ll reinstate the old bill. They’ll blame it on PETA that homosexuals can’t have nuptial agreements or conjugal visits when it shouldn’t be linked to animals in the first place.
Personally, I have a much easier time thinking a couple of guys are loving each other than to try and picture drunk soldiers molesting livestock but some people have their priorities screwed up. They need to give homosexuals their own bill separate from animals.
Of course the religious nuts are all in an uproar, ranting about how everyone is going to hell in a hand basket. We knew that was inevitable.
It’s about time we stop making gay men feel like animals and include them in society. They are human just like the rest of us. They love and have feelings and deserve to be treated with respect.
If a person is willing to protect our country and put their life in danger everyday the least we can do is make them feel appreciated and treat them with dignity and letting them love whomever they choose is a good start.
First of all let me say I’m not against pornography but just like anything else in life too much of anything can be bad and if you don’t realize in the beginning that it is fiction and set up for fantasy purposes some might decide it is how real lovemaking should be. Some of what you see in sex films is not a good idea to try on your lover.
Sex videos are for visual effect.
They show positions that make it easier for the viewer to see what is going on and because of that there is very little or no clitoral stimulation. Young guys just starting to experiment with copulation imitate what they see in these clips trying to relive his fantasy. He may be getting off but his girlfriend probably isn’t.
A large percentage of pornography videos are doggy style/rear entry or with gaps between the man and woman because these positions film best. A small percentage of women can orgasm this way, but most do not. You see women have two main “on” buttons, one is her clitoris and the other is her brain. If both aren’t engaged during copulation she’s not going to orgasm, it’s as simple as that.
Some of you may think your girl is getting off during these positions but you also have to consider another important fact you might not have thought of: most women fake orgasms. They are doing it to boost their guy’s ego or to hurry the process along, it’s a bad idea women shouldn’t do it but many do anyway.
Even though some people think missionary style is boring it is the best position for a woman to orgasm. Most other positions don’t even touch the little man in the boat (that’s a slang term for her clitoris). I’m not saying do missionary all the time; change it up. Do what turns you on for a bit and end with missionary.
Just in case I have a reader who doesn’t know what the missionary position is, here’s a video explaining it. This video is meant to help couples that are trying to conceive but it is also believed that a woman’s orgasms are directly connected to her ability to become pregnant. Of course if you use proper contraceptives this won’t happen.
Women are all different and we all have unique things that make us wet. Talk to her about what she likes to do. I think you might be surprised some of the things she will tell you. If she’s too shy and doesn’t want to say, have her think about it and write them down when she has time.
Making love is a give and take activity, unfortunately, pornography tends to mostly show what a man enjoys and not always what women find exciting or sexy. That isn’t to say you won’t find a woman who gets aroused by giving you fellatio. Some of us find if very erotic.
Pornography shouldn’t take the place of sex.
Unless of course you are a priest or away from your significant other for extended periods of time, too much porn can be detrimental to your sex life.
A man can get used to ejaculating with his hand and when he couples with a partner he might find he has trouble having an orgasm. A hand is very different from a vagina.
There have been instances where a man became addicted to porn and had trouble with relationships. While some might need to find relief without a partner, most humans are social by nature and need an intimate relationship with another person.
If you find you prefer to be alone instead of being with people you might want to consider counseling. Some alone time is good but being in solitude all the time is not healthy.
Some porn scenes are harmful.
I have no idea why anyone would find eating feces arousing but it is a new trend that is not only disgusting but also harmful. You can get e coli as well as other bacterial infections that can cause kidney failure and death.
Don’t imitate everything you see in sex films without first making sure they are safe.
Anal sex has become quite popular in recent years, I suspect mainly due to women not practicing kegel exercises. If more women strengthened their pelvic walls perhaps men wouldn’t seek a tighter orifice.
The rectum was never intended to be a sex organ and if you talk to older gay men who were bottoms (took it in the rear) for a number of years they will tell you the medical complications they have had due to this practice. You can suffer hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse. Read up on these two health conditions and you’ll see they are quite serious.
There are many more sex acts that are also dangerous such as erotic asphyxiation. Many have died from this practice including the actor David Carradine.
I won’t go into all of them but do check out your ideas before trying them on another person.
I apologize for this woman's screechy voice, you can mute the video and play your favorite music if you want.
I'm sure this wasn't what the bridge architect had in mind when he designed this rail but it's amusing anyway. In case you don't see it, look at the sidewalk art the sun has made through the holes. :o)
I discovered a new sexy music artist. If you like retro jazzy tunes you’ll enjoy Bitter:Sweet. I’ve enjoyed every song I’ve heard so far. Here’s a taste to get you started.
I’m pretty sure this woman could strangle a man with her legs. Pole dancing is a gymnastic sport and not as easy as some might think.
This next one isn't my kind of music but I have viewers with all types of taste so I'm sure some of you will enjoy it. Nicole is one of the Pussycat Dolls. Not sure if they've broke up or if she just does some work on her own as well.
This next one is a Zipped cologne commercial. I like the cultural diversity.
Kpop (Korean pop music) rules: Rip shirt off and do the pelvic thrust.
Jpop (Japanese pop music) rules: No rules especially if you are Gackt who is known for being a nasty boy. Anything goes from rubbing penis to hunching a microphone pole. If you look up the translation for his lyrics they are quite obscene.
I’ve never seen this kid’s show or heard of it but this segment made me laugh. According to a commenter on YouTube this sketch was made just for the staff, purposely full of innuendoes and never aired.
And while we are reading Dr. Seuss type stories, here is a fellow who has found innuendoes between the covers… of Dr. Seuss’ books. I think he just has a vivid imagination but I'll let you decide for yourself.
This website has a list of subliminal Disney messages within it’s videos. Some of these I already knew about. I recall the phallic images in Little Mermaid and some of the other sexual references but there were a few I hadn't heard about.
Phone sex for nerds: if you are into World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Star Trek or Lord of the Rings, this website can fix you up with the girl of your dreams.
PETA porn: They’ve turned eating your veggies into a sexy sport.
I woke up with this song in my head; that happens sometimes, usually after a dream. Speaking of that I should post some of my dreams here, I have some doozies sometimes. "Touch me baby, tainted love."
Gloria Jones did the original but personally my favorite version will always be the one by Soft Cell.
Go to YouTube and people will argue about it being a gay video that Soft Cell covered.
Here’s my take… yes I agree it’s a gay version mostly because a man is singing to another man and just listen to the lyrics, “all the love a boy can give you.”
Even if that doesn’t convince you, we have flaming sperm swimming across the screen. Okay, maybe it’s not sperm but what do you think it is? Hmm? Notice how when he takes a drink, all the little burning swimmers fly around his face.
Yes, I too believe the twinkling light people are women but he pushes them away, not exactly the actions of a straight man. Most guys that like women would be thrilled to find a couple of females in his bed first thing in the morning.
Could also be he’s confused about his sexuality and needs to “run away.”
For you deviants, here’s another Soft Cell video some of you may not have seen before. Not quite sure what to say about this one except I’m not into BDSM and hope I don’t offend anyone who is vertically challenged or vegetarian.
The reason we all have sex is because it feels good; if it didn’t we wouldn’t do it. It takes two to have sex otherwise you are just masturbating and if so no need to even read this unless you plan at some point to introduce a partner to your activities.
Since there are two people involved you are no longer the only one seeking satisfaction. To be a good lover you must find out what it is that makes the other person feel good. It’s as simple as that. First you need a partner.
Just because they are the same sex doesn’t mean they want or like the same things you like.
No two people are alike regardless of gender. Take two women and they will both have completely different things that turn them on. One might enjoy her breasts fondled while the other doesn’t get any enjoyment from it.
The same goes for men. Some are turned on by nipple play while others have very little sensation in that area.
Don’t get ideas from porn.
There is nothing wrong with pornographic books or videos for the most part but unfortunately many get their ideas from watching them thinking that is normal love making.
For instance the feces fetish; I have no idea where that nonsense got started but I assure you most women, regardless of race, are not into it nor should they be. You can get all kinds of nasty diseases no matter how clean your hygiene is. It’s a bad idea. It’s called waste for a reason.
If you are looking for ideas, moves and positions, read books (not porn) or simply talk to your partner.
The best way to be a good lover is by talking to your lover and finding out what works. Unfortunately not all women or men are good at discussing such things. If your guy or girl is too shy to tell you what they want try texting, email, writing it down or if that doesn’t work just try listening to their feedback or pay attention to body language. Usually heavy breathing and moans means you are doing it right although it could also mean you are on their hair so it can be tricky if you have one that doesn’t give you a clue.
Part of being a good lover is telling your sweetheart what you like. If you don’t tell them, how will they know? They can’t read your mind.
Be compassionate
The worst lovers are selfish people. If you get into the moment and only think about your own desires and what you want, you won’t be a good lover. Making love is a give and take activity. Not all sessions will be evenly split but make sure that part of the time you are giving as well as taking. If you expect her to give you oral sex then you should be willing to perform cunnilingus as well.
Some women don’t like fellatio because of gagging and the taste of semen. Ask him if you can go only part way down and occasionally lick and stroke around the base instead of taking the whole penis in your mouth. If you don’t like the taste of his ejaculation and it’s not a big deal to him maybe he can pull out before he orgasms. Don’t forget his testicles. For most men some oral sex is better than none and they are willing to work with you on it but at least try.
It’s not about size
Contrary to what you read online and hear from friends most men don’t care if a woman has large breasts and most women aren’t concerned with the size of a guy’s penis.
We make love with more than just our endowments.
You can be a great lover no matter your size; it doesn’t matter.
Be adventurous
Don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable with or is life threatening but be willing to try new things. You never know you might even find you enjoy it.
Unlike men, women do have a certain degree of control over the size of their vagina. The vagina is made up of muscles that expand and contract, if she has exercised them they will be strong and can squeeze a penis of most sizes, if she hasn’t they can be very loose and the man may not be able to feel her walls. Women come in all sizes just like men: some big and some small.
Can you tell a woman’s size by looking at her?
To a certain extent you can, but just like a guy who is six foot tall isn't necessarily large in the genitals, a woman who is short won't always be tight.
Women with wider hips tend to have wider vaginal openings. Ladies with narrow hips tend to be on the smaller size. When I say hips I mean the bone structure and not fat, although fat can contribute to lax vaginal muscles. If she doesn’t exercise the rest of her body she probably doesn’t exercise her vagina either.
Race has a little to do with size but there are exceptions. For example Asian women tend to have more narrow hips (This varies by country.) and so they are usually smaller than other races. African decent women tend to have larger hips and therefore wider openings.
Caucasian women are usually somewhere in between but some are quite large and some very small depending on hip measurements.
Native American and Latina women are usually in between Asian and Caucasian depending on body structure: some are as small as Asian and some are as large as Caucasian.
However, the vagina can be stretched so if an Asian woman has had many larger partners and doesn’t exercise her vagina it can be loose. Not all African women have wide hips and if they use Kegel exercises they can strengthen their vagina to make it tighter.
The vagina after childbirth-
When a woman has a baby she has contractions caused by hormones that her body produces to widen the opening of the birth canal. After the baby is born her body returns to normal. For a few weeks she will be looser but with exercise she can return her muscles to their pre-baby tautness. Many women do not realize they can do Kegel exercises that will not only help her sexual pleasure but also keep her from having bladder leakage when laughing, sneezing or coughing.
The vagina after menopause-
Menopause is not as bad as many think or make it sound. For many it is liberating with little to no symptoms. She no longer has a menstrual cycle to work around and she doesn’t have to worry about pregnancy. There are hormonal changes but with diet and Kegel exercises she won’t notice much of a difference. Not all women experience dryness in fact some have an increased interest in sex causing them to be even more wet than before.
Kegel exercises will keep the blood flowing in the vagina, which will help with elasticity and keep up moisture production, which helps breed friendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria keeps away yeast infections.
Is stretching the vagina harmful?
The vagina is very elastic and depending on her bone structure can be stretched pretty far to accommodate most size men and some objects.
It isn’t a good idea to do this for many reasons but the biggest one being that when a woman’s birth canal is wider she is more susceptible to infection. When a woman is dilating to give birth doctors try not to let her go long in this state due to bacteria entering the canal causing complications. Stretching out the vagina is much the same and not a good idea.
Loose vaginal muscles cannot easily contain the contents of your bladder so you will more than likely have incontinence issues.
When your vagina is stretched out it is harder to contract the walls around a man or dildo for pleasure. If you only plan to insert large items for sexual gratification and never intend to have sex with a man or at least men of normal proportions then this wouldn’t be an issue for you but people change their minds and you never know how you will feel later on.
Can a woman be too small?
Yes. Most women can accommodate any normal size penis with enough foreplay and if she relaxes, but there are exceptions.
We are all made differently and have limits of how large a man we can take. Some women are quite small and could tear if a person isn’t careful. Most women can’t be expanded extremely wide without hormonal changes brought on by childbirth. Not all women can take really large men that’s why it’s not always a good idea for overly big guys to try to have sex with a small woman. You don’t want sex to be a painful or uncomfortable activity she avoids. Just because you can eventually get it in doesn’t mean it will be an enjoyable experience. There have been cases of women bleeding to death internally.
Men and women come in all sizes; we fit together like a hand in a glove but just like all mittens won't accommodate everyone, you need to find the person that fits emotionally, mentally as well as physically.
Thousands of men are self-conscious thinking they aren’t big enough in the trousers and look online for solutions to their dilemma. They think taking drugs, buying pumps or having surgery will help them.
First of all before you think of going under the knife you should do your research, look at pictures of the procedure before after and during surgery and talk to guys that have had it done. From what I’ve read it’s basically taking fat from other parts of your body and moving it to your penis. Fat can be absorbed and isn’t a permanent solution, it also doesn’t get hard in case you haven’t noticed. Taking a healthy part of your body and slicing it up doesn’t make sense to me.
Drugs, especially those found online, can be dangerous and you don’t want to put your health in danger trying to make your genitals bigger. Talk to a reputable physician before putting something harmful into your body.
So what do you do? For one thing you have to realize that most women are not that superficial. Yes, I realize women are more verbal about such things these days and some say all kinds of snide things about male genitalia but the size queens are few and far between they just have bigger mouths; they do not speak for all womankind.
Most men are average or below average; there aren’t enough big guys to go around. From what I’ve seen guys with large penises tend to have big egos to match and aren’t very nice people. Given the choice, I’d rather be with a great guy then a three-legged man.
There are many women who aren’t even that interested in sex so they certainly aren’t going to care. I’m not saying you have to give up sex, I’m just saying it’s not at the top of a lot of women’s priority list.
For many of us, the head on a man’s shoulders is much more important than the one between his legs. Women want a guy she can talk to. We don’t spend all of our time having sex and at some point you need a man who can carry an intelligent conversation.
It's not very common, but there is a phobia called phallaphobia: the fear of penises. If you have a small member these women may find you less threatening.
Lesbians don’t have a penis between them, they have sex and have been even before the invention of dildos. I realize a lesbian isn’t going to be interested in a man; I’m just giving you an example so you realize that a penis isn’t the only part of your anatomy used for sex.
A woman's most sensuous erogenous zone is her brain; if you stimulate her emotionally, make her feel sexy and good about her self you are halfway there.
Work on other techniques besides penetration and perhaps invest in sex toys. Many women enjoy oral sex; if you aren’t sure how to go about it or never tried it there are many books written on the subject. All women are different so experiment and you’ll find what works.
You don’t have to be rich either. There are dumb jokes circulating around about how a man must have a big endowment or checking account in order to attract a girl and that is wrong. The latest statistics show that many women are going for men who make less than they do. More women are going to college than men these days and they aren’t all going to find men who have bigger bank accounts. If you are only finding girls interested in how much money you make you need to find another location to look for dates. Those women aren’t worth knowing anyway.
Don’t watch porn. Men in porn are usually above average in size and watching those guys will just make you feel even less adequate. Find websites that only have nude women or at least amateur porn with regular sized fellows.
Don’t pick up women in bars. I’m not saying all women in clubs are bad but size queens tend to hang out there. You are better off looking for a decent girl who isn’t out trying on every guy in town and a bar isn’t the best place.
People who are only looking for another person based on their penis size or breast measurements are typically low class. Money doesn’t have anything to do with it; there are trashy rich people just like there are poor people with intelligence and morals. It doesn’t take very long to figure out which category a person fits into. Just walk away and ignore them. Trash should be left at the curb.
Don’t be afraid to date or take your clothes off. If you feel intimidated you can talk to her before hand. Tell her you aren’t as big as you would like and are nervous about her seeing you undressed. If she’s a good person she’ll be understanding and non-judgmental.
There are several male celebrities who are said to be small and whether the rumors are true or not I couldn’t say but Howard Sterns says he’s on the lower end of the spectrum and due to that has started a small penis contest. After viewing this video some men feel better about themselves either because they are bigger than these guys or because they realize they aren’t alone. Notice one fellow has had a girlfriend for eight years and is very small.
The following is an actual question given on an University of Washington chemistry mid
The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor
shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now
have the pleasure of enjoying it as well:
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or
endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's
Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time..
So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at
which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets
to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many
souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the
world today.
Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of
their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these
religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can
project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we
can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look
at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in
order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of
Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which
souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until
all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of
souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my
Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and
take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two
must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen
over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it
follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore,
extinct...leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine
being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my
Some of you have heard the new Twilight movie will be coming out soon complete with wall ripping sex scene. I’m curious to how they will keep this PG13.
I’m looking forward to seeing Gil Birmingham’s handsome face again. :o)
In this book/movie, Bella marries Edward and they go on a hot honeymoon. This is clearly a date for guys to take their girl if he wants to get lucky. Buy your tickets now before they are all gone because young women will be lining up for this one. Oh and for you fellows who don’t have a date, go anyway. The romance will be dripping off the walls, trust me.
Switzerland is introducing sex booths for those who don’t want the expense of a hotel room. Not sure how big or sanitary they will be but initially they will install ten and plan to build more if needed.
Christian fundamentalists (why is the word “fun” in that word?) have gotten on the bandwagon and are trying to stamp out sex addiction. They have started counseling and rehabilitation programs for the “afflicted,” I’m sure for a hefty price.
"Sexual desire is an unrestrained feeling that drives us to abuse ourselves, others or objects for self-involved, destructive purposes." Seriously?
Sexaholics Anonymous advocates a twelve-step program based on the Alcoholics Anonymous program. So I guess they can cure you of drinking as well as wanting sex. Super.
Looks like just another way to get money out of people if you ask me. Here’s the complete story if you are interested.
Apparently it was Weiner’s weiner on Twitter: Anthony Weiner that is. He made a statement saying he didn’t know what he was doing. Uh-huh. Anyway, what do you bet the next thing we’ll hear is that he has a sex addiction. It seems to be the disease/disorder of the decade and all the popular people have it so why not? No one in America is ever responsible for their own actions and drugs cure everything. Right?
I can set him up with the Sexaholics Anonymous program for a good price.
Men and women are made differently mentally as well as physically. It’s not always easy to put our selves in the other sex’s shoes and understand how their brain works.
What arouses a woman is not the same as what turns a man on.
Men are visual:
For a man seeing a naked woman or even parts of her body gives him an instant erection. Having the lights on so he can see her undress, her lips on his flesh while feeling her body next to his, turns the heat up several degrees.
Men want to see you and see what is going on.
This is why pornography is sold mostly to men. They get off on pictures and scenes of sexual acts, bodies and ideas. Exaggerated positions, larger than life breasts and kinky love scenes turn him on but may not necessarily be something he wants to do with his partner. Simply seeing someone else doing them and fantasizing about the possibility is enough for most men.
The lingerie industry and plastic surgeons are making money because of men. Looks are very important to them.
Women are emotion driven:
We aren’t as interested in pictures as men. The female brain is turned on by words, conversation and how you feel about us. Romance and erotic novels are sold by the millions because women enjoy sexy words; they are the girlie equivalent of pornography.
Using our imagination to create what the man looks like, how he kisses her or how they make love is exciting to women. Romantic words, sweet endearments and acts of love go much further in wooing a lady. Sure we appreciate a good-looking man but that is secondary to what he has to say.
I’ve seen many times men online with pictures of themselves in shirtless poses, bathing suits or even nude. They think this will attract women, showing how good-looking they are. In the beginning, women are mostly concerned with your personality. Sure she wants to see a picture of your face and wants to know what you look like, but for the most part your words are what she is most interested in. If you don’t say what she wants to hear it isn’t going to happen.
All women are different, so don’t feel like you won’t be able to get a girl because you aren’t good with flowery prose or your vocabulary is limited. Somewhere out there is a woman who likes what you have to offer, just be yourself and as long as you aren’t rude it will happen.
Some women let themselves go and think that a man should accept them for who they are and not care about what is on the outside. They are only fooling themselves.
I don’t typically write rants but I’m aggravated. It takes a lot to piss me off but I’m there.
Part of the reason I started this blog was due to being censored in other places. Here I can write whatever I damn well please and since I had y’all click that little “over 18” button I can talk about anything I want without the Internet police showing up at my door step.
I write in many different places and each one has certain criteria and rules that have to be followed but sometimes it borders on hypocritical and asinine. When they tell you not to write anything sexual in nature I get it and it makes sense but to then show ads out to the side that I didn’t set up that have scantily clad women, lingerie or erotic books in them, it doesn’t make sense.
I understand wanting to protect minors from certain material but sometimes people go overboard. When you can’t even write an article and mention the genre “erotica” it is getting ridiculous. I didn’t even define erotica and God forbid I certainly didn’t post provocative pictures or say naughty words. I did give a few examples of erotica author’s names but surely Lovejoy, Tart and Dewy Tulips isn’t going to scar children for life.
Rules are fine and I have no problem adhering to them but be consistent and make advertisers and other writers follow the same guidelines or it’s not fair. Also don’t be vague. Sending an email that doesn’t give clear changes you want made isn’t helping either one of us.
The same site gives free rein if you want to write about casting out demons, cleansing someone’s spirit or talk about the latest tent revival. I’m sure they think I need to be drug kicking and screaming to the altar and prayed for.
So… instead of pulling out the tequila bottle, kicking my dog or cussing out the mailman I’m here griping to y’all. For the record I’d never kick my dog I love him too much.
Many women do it for various reasons. I never have but I orgasm easily and never needed to.
1) They aren’t really into what you are doing. Some women can’t orgasm no matter what you do so don’t take it personally.
2) She’s tired or has too much on her mind. For women an orgasm starts in her brain so if she’s thinking about the kid’s dentist appointment tomorrow or that project her boss is nagging her about it isn’t going to happen.
3) You’ve had frequent sex lately. Some women only have a number of orgasms in them and you’ve used her quota or she could be a bit sore but not telling you to save your feelings.
The trouble with women faking it is that if it happens consistently her guy won’t know what he is doing isn’t turning her on and he will just keep with his usual routine. For those normal women who are capable of reaching climax she is only making her boring love life worse.
Women are typically not very good at talking to men about what they want because they have been repressed. If she loves the man she may be afraid she’ll hurt his feelings. Men do have a vulnerable ego.
First of all, women need to stop pretending. When you aren’t having sex discuss things that you would like him to add to your lovemaking. If you can’t bring yourself to say it out loud write it down or send him an email. You can do it without sounding negative or making him feel bad. If you’ve been acting this whole time it will be a little hard to bring up because up until now he thought everything was copacetic. So don’t be surprised if the first words out of his mouth are, “I though you liked what I’ve been doing.”
In answer to that tell him, “Yes but variety is the spice of life.”
He may even ask you where you learned that or got the idea. Romance novels or erotica are good answers. Send him a link with suggestions. Some men just don’t think women are capable of coming up with new moves on our own, especially if you are supposed to be a “good girl”.
Not all women are created equal. I’m sure men have certainly noticed this. What brings us to orgasm is not the same. Some need penetration, some need more clitoral stimulation and some need both at the same time.
If you are with a girl who has to have clitoral stimulation to reach the big “O” and your favorite position is doggie, it isn’t going to happen. You are going to have to use a vibrator or your hand, reach around and play with the little man in the boat at the same time (which isn’t easy for most men) or do this position for a while and then turn her around and end with missionary or other front-to-front position. If you are a guy who is intimidated by toys or her making her own happy ending with her hands while you are doing the deed, then I suggest ending with a frontal entry.
Some women can only orgasm if her G spot is hit and these girls usually prefer doggie or other rear entry positions.
Here is an article giving you guys hints on how to tell if she is faking it but I will tell you that you can’t go by all of these. Depending on the woman some of these aren’t good indicators.
If a woman has good vaginal muscle control we can tighten around a man’s penis even if we aren't having an orgasm. Some of us don’t sweat and some of us already have dilated pupils. The rapid heartbeat is a good indicator but if she’s been doing a good imitation of Meg Ryan she may have worked herself up to a good cardiovascular work out without climaxing.
In the long run, it doesn’t really matter anyway. If the two of you are happy with how things are now and she isn’t complaining then you are probably doing okay. If she is putting you off more and more frequently then you should talk to her about what turns her on and see if you can change up your routine a bit.
You never know what kind of person a woman or man will be attracted to. Take this couple for instance; this fellow doesn’t seem at all bothered by the fact his woman is on the large size. I hope she doesn't squash him.
We’ve all heard of mail order brides, well now you can get a mail order husband. I guess it was just a matter of time. That’s right, you girls that are having a hard time finding that special man in your life can now get one via catalog. “Every man tip top no doubt.”
They range in age from 18-45 and trained to be sensitive, open and caring. So what are you waiting for?
I’m not sure what to say about this next video and am truly ashamed at the number of times I’ve watched it. I’m sure it’s the red fans that capture my attention. ;o)
Is it considered cheating if a woman uses a vibrator?
Many men have strong opinions about mechanical pleasure devices and whether or not a woman should use one. Men fall in two categories:
a) They do not want their girl to own or use one. These men consider it cheating.
b) The more adventurous or kinky chap has no issue, may even buy her one and some even incorporate it into playtime.
Group A are often religious and/or old fashioned in believing that a woman’s orgasms are solely the job of a man. (Religion doesn’t always have anything to do with it; I’ve seen atheists with just as strong views.) These guys tend to also be against masturbation via her hand as well as other instruments: cucumbers, electric toothbrush or whatever else a lady might decide to put between her legs.
Some might say these fellows are insecure. While a few are, I think it goes back to a previous blog I wrote on ladies being demure beings that only turn into sex kittens when her man enters the bedroom.
She is to keep her thoughts clean and not even consider ideas of a naked nature until he turns her on. He has the only remote to her clitoris and until he hits the button she is to remain chaste.
I live in the Bible belt so I know all about these men. It is the reason many southern states have laws against vibrators.
So back to our question: is it cheating?
If your man has told you he does not want you to have one, then in his mind yes you are cheating. Technically, anything you do behind your spouse’s back of a sexual nature is cheating. In the right state, with a patriarchal judge and a good lawyer he may even have grounds for divorce in states with laws against them.
Should a woman buy one anyway?
While I do not encourage lying or cheating I will say this. IF your man travels, is in the military and is gone a lot; or IF he has a low libido I say, “yes.”
In my opinion having and using a vibrator is much better than chasing down the UPS man who may be happy to help you out but not a good idea. Sometimes a girl has to take matters into her own hand, so to speak, and if your husband/boyfriend thought about it very long would agree that using a dildo is much better than finding a boy toy.
Hide it well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him; not really.
While a man might have a harder time finding a woman to accommodate him without paying her, women don’t have to look very far, at least in most cases. So to me it is much better than cheating with the real thing.
Hysteria was a Victorian name for a sexually frustrated woman with a bad case of nerves. While I don’t believe this disorder/disease to be real I will tell you that a female who hasn’t had sex in a while can be a bit difficult to live with.
Will women prefer a vibrator to a man?
I’m sure there are exceptions just like there are some men that prefer masturbation to sex with women but in most cases nothing beats the feel, smell and taste of a real man. A vibrator can’t put his arms around you, snuggle up in bed or say sweet words in your ear.
Lesbians aren’t interested in men to begin with so in their case a mechanical device doesn’t make any difference.
Should you put it inside your vagina?
Hygiene issues aside,(hopefully you are cleaning it after each use and storing it well) there are laws in some states that are okay as long as you don’t penetrate your lady bits with foreign objects.
Back in Victorian times when doctors treated women for hysteria, they had machines that tickled a woman’s clitoris but never went inside. In fact there was a huge controversy about the first pap smears because back then only a woman’s husband was allowed to enter her vagina and putting instruments inside was considered a big no-no.
I know some women only orgasm with penetration so do whatever you feel is necessary and right for you.
Only Feminists and Lesbians use vibrators.
I am neither a feminist nor a lesbian; I’m not even bisexual. Typically the men who are firmly against vibrators say this and while many feminist and lesbians are avid users, women who seek the pleasure of these devices don’t necessarily fall into either group.
There is a movie coming out called Hysteria but I couldn’t find a trailer for it yet. Sounds like it could be interesting. Here is a story about the movie.
Y’all just never know what I’m going to come up with, hell some days I surprise myself. Anyway, here’s a video that had me laughing out loud, literally. If you go to YouTube and read some of the comments that’s worth a few more chuckles.
This hotel boasts that is has the most sexy employees so if any of y’all are planning a trip to Russia you might want to check this one out.
Here’s an interesting article about online virtual affairs on sites like World of Warcraft and other fantasy cyber lands. Some take it a bit more serious than just a game and divorces are sometimes the result.
Keeping him hard can sometimes be a challenge but I know a few tricks that can help you girls out a bit. Some guys are tired, have a libido problem or maybe had a bit too much to drink and need a little helping hand---so to speak.
Reach between his legs and tickle his balls. Depending on which position you are in you might need to do a little acrobatics but you should be able to reach the treasure. If you have long fingernails this works best; not too hard you aren’t scratching, only tickling.
Lick and/or suck his nipples. Men either love this or are indifferent. Hopefully by now you know if your guy likes his nipples caressed or not.
Suck his earlobe. A man’s ear is an erogenous zone, not many women know this but it is. Lick or suck them in a sexy way and see if he doesn’t respond.
Run your nails over his back ever so lightly. You girls with bitten or blunt nails are out of luck but trust me, this one works. Don’t forget to go down over his buttocks too, he’ll like it.
Run your fingers through his hair. Again, having nails works. The gentle sensation of nails on skin sends an electric shock to his crotch.
Blow in his ear. Go easy, he’s not a blow up doll, just a slight whisper of breath. You can moan or say something sexy at the same time for added effect.
If these don’t work try a gentle hand job or fellate him for a bit. Whatever you do don’t sigh loudly or act irritated. Your body language and attitude can make or break it.
Different cultures have their own ways of doing things and kissing is one of them. Some countries seem to kiss everyone and it’s no big deal but others consider it very intimate and you can get arrested if you do it in public. Here is an article on the various views people have on kissing.
Okay, last blog was serious this one will be back to silly naughtiness because that is what I do best.
I laugh every time I see this video and though it was just my dirty mind but apparently I’m not the only one because Saturday Night Live did a parody of it.
Now we know why men have upper arm muscles.
I love this one. It’s instructions on how to twirl nipple tassels; what every girl should know how to do. I had no idea---now I just need some tassels.
Women walk a tightrope in life that men do not. Oh sure if a guy sleeps around he might be called a man whore but it’s not at all the same thing. Most men envy his life and pat him on the back. Let a woman be a bit promiscuous and she is called a slut.
Even authors of erotica are thought to be bad girls. Most of us write under a pseudonym to hide our identity because nice girls don’t do that sort of thing.
We aren’t supposed to talk about sex, want sex or write about it.
If a woman talks about intercourse no matter how clinical she makes it sound, men make lewd remarks, innuendoes and brash comments about her. Look at Dr. Ruth, she’s been the butt of jokes for years and all she tried to do was help people with questions about their sex lives.
Women like to think that things have changed and that this is the 21st Century but not really. They are kidding themselves if they honestly believe that.
I’m not saying that women should sleep around like cats in heat but it would be nice if we could write an article or make a comment in a forum without men thinking we are on the prowl.
I think more women enjoy sex than we will ever know but they are scared to death to mention it or let that dirty little secret out because God forbid if they do they’ll be labeled and expected to wear a letter “A” on her garments.
This is also why so many are repressed in the bedroom. We are told to act like ladies, behave and whatever you do don’t let boys look up your skirt so when they finally marry that nice boy from down the street she doesn’t know how to change. It doesn’t matter that she is now legally allowed to let her hair down and spread her legs she has said “no” so many times she doesn’t know how to say “YES” and if she is too enthused Mr. Right might think she’s one of “those” girls and just never told him before he was stuck with her.
This is why for hundreds of years men have stepped out to a brothel where women are not only allowed but expected to kick up their heels and do all those naughty things he’s dreamed of and doesn’t ask his wife because:
A) She’s a good girl and probably would say, “no”.
B) She’s a good girl and he doesn’t want to picture her doing those things even if she would agree.
C) He’s too shy to ask and the loose girls offer without him having to bring it up plus he’s paying them.
A few years a go some women friends of mine were talking and one mentioned that her husband wanted sex too frequently. She thought that three times a week was too much. Ignorant me piped up and said that we had sex every night; she was horror struck and told me that was abuse. I didn’t feel abused; in fact I was quite happy with my sex life. After that I realized some things were better kept to myself or at least written under a fake name.
It’s funny how times change. In the 80’s women were thinner and men looked for a girl who didn’t look disproportionately large in the derriere and having a B cup bra was average. In this video Audrey Landers is singing about getting breast implants and her rear enhanced. The young people leaving comments after the video are saying she has a flat chest and no butt. I wonder what men will find appealing in twenty years. Fascinating how times change. The embedding is disabled but it's just as well because part of what makes this interesting is to read the interaction between men from different generations with their opinion of this film.