Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Something To Make You Smile

Sorry fellows, I don't know where this is. 

This is funny and sad all at the same time.

Everything you need for a redneck wedding.

I'm the crazy one in our relationship.

It's funny they even need this sign. 

Don't play with your food. 

Inter-species relationship

Yes I do.

It helps keep a relationship together. 

Then put some pants on.

An example of why kids need sex education.

Interesting name for a pet shop.

Full service life guards.

A math equation I can live with.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May Be A Laugh Or Two

I joined Pinterest and found all kinds of fun people. It's not just a bunch of women planning weddings and obsessing about food. Perverts hang out there too. Imagine that.

I like this much better than the rude pictures of women I've seen. Not that I hang out in men's bathrooms or anything.

Here's another interesting urinal or possibly work of art. Hard to tell sometimes. Might find this one in a gay bar.

Like the saying goes, any sex is better than no sex.

We all know a Peggy.

Don't leave your toys laying around.

There are always other options.

So this is why men like to hang out in hardware stores.

Old advertisements are so funny.

The world’s oldest reusable condom, dating back to 1640 is on display at a museum in Austria. It is completely intact, with its original owner's manual, written in Latin. The manual suggests that users immerse the condom in warm milk prior to use to avoid diseases. I wonder how many people were disappointed to find warm milk didn't prevent diseases? Poor fools.

The antique, found in Lund in Sweden, is made of pig intestine. 

This video has been circulating around and some of you may have already seen it but just in case, here you go. They are funny.