Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Little Of This and A Little Of That

A clever play on words.

So that's what they mean by the tunnel of love.

Someone on Facebook posted this next picture and I was thinking in my mind, "I thought men wanted the happiness sucked out of them." I didn't post that there. I'm already in trouble for adding too many friends.

Somebody call the morgue cause that man has to be dead.

Even though it's been warm here in Oklahoma it's that time of year when college boys make snow sculptures.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dirty Mind, Woman With Two Vaginas and Mrs. Brown's Boys

My dirty mind:

Sometimes I read something and my mind wanders to innuendos that make me feel ashamed but then I eat a piece of chocolate and feel better.

The other day someone left this quote on their twitter timeline trying to be helpful to the masses:

"Take just 10 minutes each morning to tune into your desires, and you will tap into a wonderful day."

And my naughty brain was thinking, “Yeah, just this morning I tuned into my desires right after I changed the batteries.”

At least I didn’t post that as my update, somehow I don’t think everyone would find that as amusing as I did.

A little joke I heard:

A cat & a rooster walked on a bridge. The cat fell in the water & the rooster laughed. Moral of the story? A wet pussy makes a happy cock!

Products with sexual sounding names:

Here’s an interesting story about a woman that has two vaginas and two uteruses. It only happens one in 3,000 women. I had no idea.

A Scotland news story recently aired with a naked woman bouncing up and down in what appears to be a sex scene on the monitor in the upper right hand corner. They have television screens across the back with various shows that are airing on other channels and this one just happens to have naked people. Oops.

You can read the story here:

Tenga egg

Fun idea to imprint your lover with sexy sayings. I wouldn’t be able to sleep on these sheets. I have Princess and the Pea Syndrome (Fibromyalgia).

This one had me laughing so hard I was crying. I need to watch this show more often.

Mrs. Brown’s Boys:

Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand- Let Me Think About It

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun Sexy Pictures To Make You Smile

I did some changes to the background. Red is my signature color but was a bit hard on the eyes so I'm giving this one a try.

We have balls and bras for our cars and now a thong. Hopefully they don't have to get in the trunk very often.

She waited a bit too long to do laundry. I like how the guy sitting next to her acts like it's normal for a girl to be doing the wash in the nude.

Don't you know kids are having fun with this one. You have to look at it closely to realize what it is supposed to say.

I love this one. People should be allowed to be original but when you are a bit too original you should expect to be stared at.

I love Spiderman. :o)

Here's something you don't see everyday.

All studs fall asleep after performing.

Might want to bring hand sanitizer for this ride.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Argentina Dancing With The Stars

This may not last long it's been removed a few times on YouTube already so I'm posting it all by it's lonesome. This the hottest thing I've seen in quite some time, somewhere between a striptease and dirty dancing. The MC's reaction is funny. I don't speak the language so I'm not sure if he is appalled, turned on or both.

Personally, I wish it would have been longer. Maybe they have time constraints and only have a short amount of time.

Some critics are saying they aren't really dancing and they don't have talent; simply using sex to get attention. Dancing is a form of art and it's been my experience that everyone has their own opinion and taste where art is concerned.

In case it's removed, put in a search for Argentina Dancing With The Stars and you shouldn't have a problem finding it again. You won't see anything like that here in America unless it's a wardrobe malfunction.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Genital Tattoos And New Years Resolutions

My resolution is to post more here. It won't all be cartoons and humor. Some of you prefer the lighthearted posts but some of my readers have requested more of my informative blogs so I'll try to do some of each.

People get tattoos just about anywhere even on their pubic area and penises. They must be pretty tough to do that. Some look pretty interesting.

Here's a link for some penis tattoos:

Here are some feminine pubic area tattoos. A woman argued in a blog that these are not vagina tattoos. Whatever they are some are quite interesting while some are really weird.

While we are on female genitals here are some pussy lollies.

Here are some funny pictures I found.