Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Prostitutes In China, Sex Searches On Google and Jeju Love Land

Just in case you were wondering where the most prostitutes are in the world this map can help. This shouldn’t come as a big surprise when you think about it. China is the biggest country and has the most people so it makes sense that they would have the most prostitutes as well as the most of many things.

I’m sure they are all spread out and since China has strict laws against such things I imagine it’s not easy to find them even though they have the most to choose from. Probably have the most hepatitis C as well so make sure you use protection regardless of where you pick up your lady of the night.

Here’s a story for you tranny fans. Some of them look pretty masculine even after the change, but then in my opinion so do many Caucasian women who are born female so men are probably used to prominent chins and broad shoulders.

If you are wondering what kind of weird stuff people search for on Google here’s the 2011 listings. If you think some of your browsing is a bit obscure or out of the ordinary you probably aren’t alone. There are quite a few eccentric people in this world.

Weird Google Searches

Why on earth would a woman think this looks good? ~shaking my head~

If you are planning a trip to South Korea and who isn’t, you won’t want to miss Jeju Love Land an adult theme park full of sexual statues and art.

Lana Del Rey- You Can Be The Boss

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