Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Facebook Poking, Obscene Literature and Female Teachers Sex With Students.

Most of us have seen the “poke” feature on facebook and even maybe used it. I thought it was like tapping someone on the shoulder and saying hello but apparently some see more into it than just a friendly poke on the shoulder.

Okay, so poking is harmless but super poking is sex. Got it. Phew, I’m glad I didn’t make that mistake.

Over the holidays some of us enjoy a good read and if you are looking for a titillating tome or two here is a list of the top ten obscene literary classics:


Have you wondered what is up with all the female teachers going for teenage students and finding themselves out of a job and in the courtroom?

Sexual abuse is never about the act but more about control of another individual. In the past it was mostly a man’s symptom but in recent years we are hearing about more female teachers having sex with underage students. We had two cases in recent months here in Oklahoma. If you’ve been watching the news or reading the paper you’ve noticed these women are attractive and usually in their 30’s. So what gives?

Psychologists will tell you these women are having problems in their personal lives and no longer feel in control. Midlife is looking over their shoulder and they want to feel young again. They need comfort and seek it in the arms of someone they feel they can manipulate. Adolescent guys finding her desirable gives her the boost her ego greatly needs.

An adult man isn’t as likely to be swayed to a woman’s whims. A teenager just learning how to deal with the opposite sex and hormones is much easier prey. Enjoying the attention and sexual favors of a more experienced woman is an added benefit he can’t refuse.

Some have asked why we are suddenly seeing this and why is it a new phenomenon. There were cases in the past but it was treated differently and in most cases pushed under the rug as most men would have thought the young man should receive a pat on the back instead of the woman being reprimanded. It wasn’t published in the news and the world didn’t hear about it.

If you think back to that flirty young teacher who wore her skirts just a bit too short or her blouse just a tad more revealing you probably knew a woman who was in a similar vulnerable state but she held her behavior in check--- in most cases. Today the media gives ideas to their fantasies and has more women tasting the forbidden fruit.

There is a book some of you may have read and also a movie more of you may have seen called The Reader. It is fiction and more is going on in the story than an older woman having sex with a teenage boy but it is not that far fetched to believe it happened on many occasions--- we just didn’t know about it.

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